The Structure and Measurement of Kindergarten Principal's Curriculum Leadership
摘要: 通过文献分析及对幼儿园园长进行开放式调查问卷和访谈,编制《幼儿园园长课程领导力问卷》,对浙江省、福建省470名园长进行问卷调查。利用探索性因素分析方法建构幼儿园园长课程领导力的结构要素,并通过结构方程模型中的验证性因素分析探讨理论模型建构的合理性。结果发现:幼儿园园长课程领导力是四因素结构,即愿景激励、领导魅力、智力激发、个性化关怀;问卷的克伦巴赫α系数、分半信度以及题项与各因子得分相关显著,表明问卷具有较好的信效度。Abstract: Through literature analysis, open questionnaire and interview, this research complied a questionnaire of the kindergarten curriculum leadership. A total number 470 kindergarten principals have been surveyed as samples for the questionnaire. This research uses Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) to construct structural elements of the kindergarten curriculum leadership. The theoretical model construction and data are fit by Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) in structural equation model. The research as the following findings. The kindergarten principal's curriculum leadership is a multidimensional concept, including four parts, that is vision motivation, leader's charisma, intellectual inspiration, and individualized consideration. The Cronbach's α, correlation coefficients between each item and factor score are high. The analysis suggests that this questionnaire of curriculum leadership for Kindergarten principals is of good reliability and validity.
Key words:
- kindergarten principals /
- curriculum leadership /
- factor analysis /
- construction of questionnaire .
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