① 由贺祖斌主持,参加本次讨论的学术沙龙成员有华中科技大学、厦门大学、广西师范大学和南宁师范大学高等教育学专业的博士研究生和硕士研究生:李欣怡、苏家玉、陈庆文、潘杰宁、蒲智勇、谢明明、张羽、王金花、徐玲玉、李响、游晶晶、陈洋、罗惠君。
An Analysis of Ten Major Events of China's Higher Education in 2018——An Academic Salon of "Annual Inventory of Higher Education Events"
摘要: 2018年中国高等教育领域发生了十件大事:习近平总书记发表"5·2讲话",强调要抓住培养社会主义建设者和接班人这个根本任务,努力建设中国特色世界一流大学;全国教育大会召开,对我国教育事业发展进行了系统总结和全面部署,开启了新时代推进教育现代化、建设教育强国的历史新征程;新时代全国高等学校本科教育工作会议召开,"新时代高教40条"出台,加快推进高水平本科教育;"双一流"建设持续推进,引导高校走内涵式发展道路;第四轮学科评估结果公布,推动学科建设和学科评价标准研究进程;总结改革开放40年历史成就,提升高等教育现代化发展水平;全面深化新时代教师队伍建设改革,规范教师职业行为;开展清理"五唯"行动,改变当前评价制度中存在的价值失衡问题,扭转不科学的评价导向;西湖大学正式成立,这是我国民办高等教育的一次大胆探索,开创高等教育办学体制改革之先河;"南大教授论文被撤事件"曝光,引发社会热议,反映出我国教师评价制度和学术不端严惩制度亟待完善。通过梳理这十大事件,主持人以学者身份主持讨论和点评,讨论者则从不同角度对各大事件进行多方面的评析,从而多维度地呈现了2018年中国高等教育改革的前沿动态,回顾和思考了我国高等教育发展的轨迹。Abstract: This paper reviews the ten major events of China's higher education in 2018. These events are as follows. Xi Jinping's speech on May 2 on grasping the trend of the times, focusing on the future development, and defining the new tasks of colleges and universities in the new era. The National Education Congress was held to systematically summarize and fully deploy the development of China's education and to express the pioneering spirit of education in the new era. The National Undergraduate Education Congress issued "40 Articles of Higher Education in the New Era", which puts forward new requirements for the construction of higher education in the new era. The construction of "Double First-Class" should be promoted continuously, leading universities to take the road of connotative development and improving the overall level of higher education. The publication of the fourth round of discipline evaluation results has promoted the development of discipline construction and the research process of discipline evaluation standards. On the fortieth anniversary of Reform and Opening up, China's higher education has made historic achievements in terms of quantity, quality, system reform and international level. In the new era, the construction of teachers' ranks has been initiated, with the focus on the study and revision of teachers' laws and the formulation of teachers' professional codes of conduct, with a view to creating a high-quality teacher rank. Actions are taken to break through the "Five Onlys" (only papers, only hats, only titles, only academic qualifications and only awards) in an attempt to change the value imbalance existing in the current evaluation system and reverse the unscientific evaluation orientation. The formal establishment of Westlake University is a boldexploration of private higher education in China and pioneers the reform and development of higher education in China. The exposure of falsification of professors' papers in Nanjing University has aroused a heated discussion in the society, which reflects that the system of teacher evaluation and the system of severe punishment for academic misconduct in China needs to be improved. This paper analyzes the major events from different angles, presents the dynamic trends of China's higher education in 2018, and reviews and reflects the reform and development of higher education in China.
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