Factors and Improving Strategies of Normal Students' Learning Satisfaction——Implications of An Empirical Research
摘要: 学习满意度测评对于及时了解和评估大学生学习体验和收获、改进高校内部各项教学工作、推动高校内涵式发展等具有十分直观而重要的参考价值。采用专业测评工具对山西师范大学1 248名师范生的学习满意度进行了系统化测评。结果表明,师范生的整体学习满意度处于中等水平,其中部分测评指标评分均值严重偏低。导致这一结果的原因也已探明,既有来自师范大学内部可控的原因,也有来自学校外部的不可控的原因。以此作为主管部门的省级政府应积极贯彻落实中央关于加大师范教育投入力度和加大对师范院校扶持力度的教育政策,师范院校应用好用足现有办学条件和资源,引导和支持更多教师积极开展教学改革,加强对学生学习经验和学生需求的调查评估,从而提升师范生的学习满意度和培养质量。Abstract: The evaluation of learning satisfaction offers direct and important reference for understanding and evaluating the learning experience and harvest of college students in time, improving the teaching work in colleges and universities, and promoting the connotation construction of teaching quality in colleges and universities. The learning satisfaction of normal students in Shanxi Normal University was systematically evaluated with professional evaluation tools. The results show that the overall learning satisfaction of normal university students is in the intermediate level, and the average score of some evaluation indexes is very low. The reasons for this result have been found out. Some are due to the controllable internal reasons of the normal universities, while some are due to uncontrollable external reasons. As a competent department, the provincial government should actively implement the education policy of the central government on increasing the investment in normal education and enhancing the support to normal universities. Normal universities should make full use of the existing school running conditions and resources and guide more teachers to actively carry out the teaching reform, and strengthen the investigation and evaluation of students' learning experience and students' needs so as to improve learning satisfaction and training quality of normal students.
表 1 学习满意度各维度评分情况
极小值 极大值 均值 标准差 低于理论中值的比例 学业满意度 1.00 5.00 3.681 0 0.674 8 18.4% 教学满意度 1.25 5.00 3.723 7 0.685 2 16.4% 硬件设施满意度 1.00 5.00 3.410 0 0.731 6 33.8% 学习满意度 1.17 5.00 3.608 0.608 9 16.5% 表 2 教学满意度各指标评分情况
极小值 极大值 均值 标准差 大部分老师能够有效地协调和掌控教学过程 1 5 3.94 0.811 大部分老师的教学活动令我满意 1 5 3.81 0.894 大部分老师的教学方式符合我的个人期望 1 5 3.61 0.931 我与大多数老师沟通起来比较容易 1 5 3.54 0.962 表 3 不同性别师范生的学习满意度差异比较
检验变量 性别 人数 平均数 标准差 t值 显著性 学业满意度 男 184 3.665 8 0.790 8 -0.287 0.774 女 1 034 3.683 5 0.654 4 教学满意度 男 182 3.733 5 0.768 2 0.215 0.830 女 1 033 3.720 5 0.669 4 硬件设施满意度 男 185 3.385 1 0.774 5 -0.432 0.666 女 1 040 3.410 3 0.723 5 学习满意度 男 180 3.594 9 0.692 2 -0.221 0.826 女 1 010 3.607 0 0.593 0 表 4 学习满意度在不同学科专业学生群体中的分布情况
学科门类 总数 均值 标准差 F值 法学 84 3.71 0.561 教育学 136 3.40 0.551 文学 192 3.59 0.605 历史学 70 3.44 0.466 8.735*** 理学 495 3.58 0.597 艺术学 203 3.85 0.665 合计 1 180 3.61 0.567 注:***表示P<0.001 -
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