美国联邦政府于2015年出台的《每个学生成功法案》(Every Student Succeeds Act,以下简称ESSA)拓展“学生成功”的定义,要求各州和地区在其问责制中纳入非学术因素,自此,“社会情绪学习”(Social and Emotional Learning,以下简称SEL)运动扩展到美国各州。近年来,人们逐渐意识到解决教师的社会情绪学习问题是全面实施SEL的关键。研究表明,社会情绪能力(social and emotional competence)能够帮助教师创造稳定有效的课堂学习环境,促进积极的师生互动并减轻教师的压力,有利于提升学生的学业成就和教师的幸福感。美国国家科学、工程和医学研究院(National Academies of Sciences,Engineering,and Medicine)于2019年发布《促进儿童和青少年健康的心理、情绪和行为发展:国家议程》(Fostering Healthy Mental,Emotional,and Behavioral Development in Children and Youth: A National Agenda)研究报告,呼吁关注教师的社会情绪能力,支持教师提升所需的社会情绪能力,使教师更好地调节他们的情绪和行为并为学生提供社会情绪支持[1]。为此,美国采取了一系列措施积极推进教师社会情绪学习实践,并积累了诸多有益经验。
The Path and Experience of Improving Teachers' Social Emotional Competence in America
摘要: 社会情绪能力是21世纪教师所必需的关键技能。作为社会情绪学习运动的先导者, 美国联邦政府, 高等院校, 地方学区以及专业组织为提升教师社会情绪能力提供了基本路径。在此基础上, 美国通过完善教师专业标准, 改进职前教育课程, 强化在职教师培训和改革教师评估系统等方式, 提升教师社会情绪能力, 弥合美国教师教育中的“社会情绪鸿沟”。Abstract: Social emotional competence is the key skill necessary for teachers in the 21st century. As the forerunner of the social emotional learning movement, the US federal government, colleges, local school districts, and professional organizations have provided a fundamental path for improving teachers' social emotional competence. On this basis, the United States has improved teachers' social emotional competence by improving teacher professional standards, improving pre-service education curriculum, strengthening in-service teacher training, and reforming the teacher evaluation system to bridge the "social emotional gap" in American teacher education.
Key words:
- American education /
- teacher education /
- social emotional gap /
- social emotional competence .
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