Mathematical Modeling Competency: Stress Field, Constituent Elements and Formation
摘要: 数学建模是认识世界、解决问题的重要途径。采用主题文本分析法, 从数学认识论的角度, 探讨数学建模素养的应力场域和本质意涵, 认为学科结构、数学素养和认知规律共同构成了数学建模素养的应力场域。数学结构的重组与完善是数学建模发展的内在驱力, 数学素养是数学建模发展的时代诉求, 认知规律是数学建模发展的教学基础。同时从方法论的视角, 提出形成建模素养的四重维度: 课程、教学、学习、师资。建模素养的培育, 需要深化建模教学认知, 提炼建模素养培育策略。建模活动远非传统应试情形下的教学样态, 其教育价值意义深远, 需要教师形成正确的数学观和人才观。Abstract: Mathematical modeling is an important way to understand the world and solve problems. This paper discusses the stress field and the constituent elements of mathematical modeling competency from the perspective of mathematical epistemology with the method of text analysis. The reorganization and improvement of mathematical structure is the intrinsic driving force for the development of mathematical modeling, mathematical accomplishment is the appeal of the times for the development of mathematical modeling, and cognitive law is the teaching basis for the development of mathematical modeling.In terms of formation modes, this paper proposes four dimensions to develop modeling competency. The cultivation of modeling competency needs to deepen the cognition of modeling teaching and refine the cultivation strategy of modeling competency. The educational value of modeling activities is far-reaching, which requires teachers to form a correct view of mathematics and talent to replace the traditional exam-oriented teaching style.
表 1 数学建模素养的生成路径
向度 认知水平 情感因素 策略指导 课程层面 联结数学与其他学科的知识体系 学习需求、兴趣、好奇心的开发 关注建模的综合性情境脉络,开阔建模视野 教学层面 引导建模思维范式 培育乐群性及交流与合作意识 文化思想教学视角、主题单元教学等 学习层面 积累建模学习经验,建构知识体系 培育主体意识以及学习态度 社会实践与实习拓展 师资层面 深化建模认知,提升建模教学修养 形成建模认知信念 建构多元、综合的评价体系等 -
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