The Practical Logic and System Supply of Implementing the Policy of "School Employing and Count Government Administrating": From the Perspective of Ambiguity-Conflict Model
摘要: "县管校聘"政策是促进县域义务教育阶段教师合理流动、实现师资均衡发展、提升教育公平的重要举措。目前, "县管校聘"政策在各地的执行情况存在较大差异。"模糊-冲突"模型认为, 模糊性和冲突性是政策本身具有的内在属性, 可从"低模糊-低冲突""低模糊-高冲突""高模糊-高冲突""高模糊-低冲突"四个维度来构建其分类框架。通过查阅G省4个典型县区政策文本和对该地进行实地调研发现, 地理区位、县域经济状况、教师编制数量、原有教师交流体系等因素是影响"县管校聘"政策执行方式的主导因素。鉴于此, 应该构建"县管校聘"改革成本分担机制, 健全"县管校聘"改革激励机制, 落实"县管校聘"改革专项督导职能。Abstract: The "Xian Guan Xiao Pin" policy (which means the school employs the teachers and the count government is responsible for their administration) may promote the rational flow of teachers in the stage of county compulsory education, realizing the balance of teachers and improving educational equity. At present, there are great differences in the implementation of this policy in different regions.The "ambiguity-conflict" model holds that ambiguity and conflict are the internal attributes of policy itself. Based on this model, a classification framework is constructed from four aspects, which are "low ambiguity with low conflict", "low ambiguity with high conflict", "high ambiguity with high conflict" and "high ambiguity with low conflict". Through the policy texts and field investigation of four typical counties and districts in G Province, it is found that geographical location, economic situation of a county, the number of teachers and the original system of teacher exchange are the major factors in the implementation of the "Xian Guan Xiao Pin" policy. In view of this, we should build a cost sharing mechanism at different levels, improve the incentive mechanism for different provinces, cities, counties and districts based on the principle of on-demand incentive, and implement the special supervision mechanism of the reform.
表 1 马特兰德“模糊-冲突”模型框架
冲突性 底 高 模糊性 低 行政执行(administrative) 政治性执行(political) 执行要素(资源) 执行要素(权力) 高 试验性执行(experimental) 象征性执行(symbolic) 执行要素(情境) 执行要素(社会联盟) 表 2 S县圈层间教师工作特征和编制情况
乡村补贴 生活资源和便利 编制数量 县城学校 无 高 普遍缺编 平原学校 中 中 大部分超编 山区学校 高 低 普遍超编 -
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