Research on the Endogenous Construction Path of Rural Revitalization——From the Perspective of Village Community Rationality
摘要: 乡村振兴的实质是依靠乡村自组织地深度参与,以产业升级实现村庄整体性变迁。这与村社理性内在逻辑具有一致性。村社理性中反复博弈、完全信息、有效制约等工具功能,不仅可以降低乡村公共物品的供给成本,还有助于建立利益结合紧密的合作组织,为乡村振兴打下统的基础。而具有血缘和村落共同体文化认同的村社理性,在治理上具有保护型的特征,有利于乡村深度参与,实现可持续发展。村社理性中的熟人社会的特质,模糊化利益,使得乡村可以通过内部化机制化解外部经济风险,对乡村的产业升级具有积极的作用。有效地发挥村社理性在乡村振兴中的功能,对推进国家治理能力现代化也具有重要的意义。Abstract: The essence of rural revitalization is to rely on the deep participation of rural self-organization and to realize the overall change of the village through industrial upgrading. This is consistent with the rational logic of the village community. The tool function of repeated game, complete information and effective restriction in the village community rationality not only reduced the supply cost of rural public goods, but also helped to establish a cooperative organization with close interests and laid a foundation for rural revitalization. The village community rationality with blood relationship and village community cultural identity has a protective characteristic in governance, which is conducive to deep participation of the village and sustainable development. The characteristics and vague interests of the acquaintance society in the village community rationality enables the village to resolve the external economic risks through internalization mechanism, exerting positive effects on rural industrial upgrading. Effectively exerting the function of village community rationality in rural revitalization is also of great significance to promote the modernization of state governance capacity.
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