1978年至1984年间,法国哲学家福柯(Michel Foucault)在其生命的最后岁月持续不断地研究康德启蒙观,且总是依据康德的应征短文《答复这个问题:“什么是启蒙运动?”》。他认为,康德这篇短文阐述了一种关于“现在”(le présent)、现实(l'actualité)或“今日”(l'aujourd'hui)的本体论(什么是今日?今日发生什么事啦?),从而他在康德启蒙观的基础上提出关于“我们自身”的历史本体论(批判本体论或思想批判史),并且认为我们可以从“启蒙问题”的角度重新评价康德及其三大批判;黑格尔、尼采、海德格尔、柯瓦雷、巴什拉、卡瓦耶斯以及法兰克福学派等实际上都在努力回答“什么是启蒙(运动)”这一问题,福柯本人也致力于继续回答这个问题并自视为启蒙遗产的继承人[1]100-101。福柯建立了“启蒙”与“我们自身”之间的内在联系,赋予其历史本体论内涵。启蒙视域中的“我们自身”意味着处于自己启蒙、自己求知、自己运用理性、自己批判、自己治理等现实的环境中。
The Enlightenment and Ourselves: A Foucauldian Conception of the Historical Ontology
摘要: 康德启蒙观无疑成为福柯晚期的重要哲学主题,也是他从现代性探索转向古希腊罗马思想讨论的一个理论契机。在康德的短文《答复这个问题:“什么是启蒙运动?”》中,福柯发现了“现在本体论”并对其加以丰富发展,进而提出“我们自身的历史本体论”,努力建立“启蒙”与“我们自身”的内在关系。康德启蒙观具有奇特的“笛卡尔踪迹”,或者说,是笛卡尔哲学——旨在正确引导理性、寻找真理——的继续;启蒙的历史本体论明确指向“我们自身”,旨在认识其本质,“我们自身”这一概念在对启蒙的沉思中成为福柯考古学与系谱学的批判主题;启蒙的希望就是我们自身的希望,也意味着自由、独立、理性与现实。作为三维结构主体(知识主体、权力主体与伦理主体),我们自身处于走向成熟的过程中,这一过程就是其存在方式的生成过程,也是其历史本体论的构思过程。Abstract: Kantian Enlightenment is an important philosophical theme in the late Foucauldian thought and a theoretical opportunity from the research of modernity to the discussion of the Greco-Roman thought. In Kants short essay "Answering the Question:What is Enlightenment?", Foucault discovered "ontology of the present" and developed it into his proposition of "historical ontology of ourselves" and established the relationship between Enlightenment and ourselves.There is a "Cartesian trace" in the Kantian Enlightenment. In other words, the Kantian Enlightenment is a continuation of the Cartesian philosophy:rightly conducting ones reason and seeking truth. The historical ontology of the Enlightenment orients explicitly to "ourselves" and aims at recognizing its essence, and the concept of "ourselves" in the reflections of the Enlightenment becomes a critical theme of the Foucauldian archaeology and genealogy. The hope of the Enlightenment is that of ourselves and signifies liberty, independence, reason, and reality. As a tristructural subject-subject of knowledge, subject of power, and subject of ethics-"ourselves" arein the maturation process. This process is the generation of ones being and the conception of ones historical ontology.
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