An Investigation into the Development of Preschool Children in Southwest Ethnic Regions——An Empirical Analysis of the Four Ethnic Groups of Bai, Dai, Qiang and Zhuang
摘要: 儿童发展关乎国家未来和民族希望,关乎社会公平公正。聚焦西南民族地区村落学前儿童发展现状,对白、傣、羌、壮4个民族9个村落幼儿园3~6岁儿童的体质健康、认知、语言和社会性发展进行了调查研究。结果发现:从儿童发展各维度来看,西南民族地区村落学前儿童身体协调性及下肢肌肉力量、平衡能力发展较好,体格发育、灵敏素质、爆发力和上肢及腰腹肌肉力量较差,营养问题较为凸显;数量认知和空间认知发展较好,时间认知和类比推理发展较差;语言(汉语)理解能力较好,语言(汉语)表达和阅读能力较差;生活技能发展较好,交往品质和行为控制发展欠佳。从不同年龄、性别和民族的儿童发展来看,各维度发展水平随年龄增长而提高;白族儿童整体发展较好,傣族儿童身体素质发育较好,羌族和壮族儿童整体发展水平欠佳。因此建议:加强民族地区村落学前儿童的医疗和膳食营养服务,研发适合民族地区村落的学前教育本土课程和教材,多途径促进民族地区村落幼儿园教师的增量提质,实施对民族地区村落儿童家庭的专业干预与心理支持。Abstract: The development of children is the future of a country, the hope of a nation, and the equity and justice of the society. This study focuses on the development of preschool children in the southwest ethnic regions, adopted among 520 children on physical health and 126 on cognition, language level and social development aged 3-to 6 in four ethnic groups of Bai, Dai, Qiang and Zhuang.The study has the following findings. (1) From the perspective of various dimensions of children development, the physical coordination, lower limbs muscle strength and balance ability of the preschool children in the southwest ethnic regions are better, while the physical development, motor sensitivity, muscle explosive, upper limbs and lumbar abdominal muscle strength are lagged behind the national average, and facingprominent nutrition problems. The quantity cognition and space cognition develop well, while the time cognition andanalogic reasoning ability develop poorly. The ability of Mandarin comprehension is good, yet the ability of comprehension and reading is poor. The development oflife skills is good, yet the development of social communication quality and behavior control is poor. (2) From the perspective of the children development of different ages, genders, and ethnic groups, all aspects of development increase with age, and the development of 5 to 6-year-old is relatively obvious.The boys' weight and upper limbs and lumbar abdominal muscle strength are better than girls, and girls' cognitive development and behavior control ability are better than boys. The overall development of Bai children and the physical quality of Dai children are better among those four ethnic groups, while the overall development level of Qiang and Zhuang children is not as good.The study suggests to strengthen medical and dietary nutrition services for preschool children in ethnic regions, and to develop local courses and textbooks of preschool education for preschool children in those regions. Besides, the incremental improvement of kindergarten teachers in ethnic regions should be promoted, and the professional intervention and psychological support for children's families in ethnic regions should be carried out.
表 1 四个民族地区村落3~6岁儿童体格发育均值及与全国均值的比较
身高(cm) 体重(kg) M 全国均值 t值 M 全国均值 t值 3岁 男 96.05 102.2 -8.66*** 14.32 16.6 -10.21*** 女 96.11 100.9 -6.60*** 13.98 15.9 -7.41*** 4岁 男 103.98 107.8 -6.78*** 16.15 18.3 -10.89*** 女 102.86 106.5 -7.33*** 15.61 17.5 -9.54*** 5岁 男 110.65 114.0 -5.03*** 18.31 20.6 -6.93*** 女 109.88 112.7 -5.06*** 17.81 19.6 -6.01*** 6岁 男 119.37 119.7 -0.39 22.10 23.0 -1.24 女 117.39 118.1 -0.65 19.62 21.6 -4.72*** 注:*表示p<0.05,**表示p<0.01,***表示p<0.001,下同 表 2 四个民族地区村落3~6岁儿童营养状况及其差异检验
类型 总人数 生长迟缓率
(W/H≥M+2SD)N(%) χ2 p值 N(%) χ2 p值 N(%) χ2 p值 N(%) χ2 p值 N(%) χ2 p值 性别 男 269 30(11.2) 0.56 0.454 16(5.9) 0.04 0.840 8(3.0) 0.02 0.888 14(5.2) 0.81 0.370 5(1.9) 2.43 0.119 女 251 23(9.2) 16(6.4) 8(3.2) 9(3.6) 1(0.4) 年龄 3岁 95 16(16.8) 7.57 0.056 5(5.3) 0.70 0.873 2(2.1) 1.60 0.659 4(4.2) 3.77 0.287 1(1.1) 6.60 0.086 4岁 169 18(10.7) 9(5.3) 4(2.4) 11(6.5) 0(0.0) 5岁 175 15(8.6) 12(6.9) 6(3.4) 7(4.0) 2(1.1) 6岁 81 4(4.9) 6(7.4) 4(4.9) 1(1.2) 3(3.7) 民族 白 154 4(2.6) 39.12
***0.000 3(1.9) 10.58* 0.014 5(3.2) 2.70 0.441 4(2.6) 3.39 0.335 2(1.3) 3.45 0.327 羌 52 3(5.8) 1(1.9) 1(1.9) 4(7.7) 0(0.0) 傣 116 5(4.3) 11(9.5) 6(5.2) 4(3.4) 3(2.6) 壮 198 41(20.7) 17(8.6) 4(2.0) 11(5.6) 1(0.5) 总计 520 53(10.2) - 32(6.2) - 16(3.1) - 23(4.4) - 6(1.2) - 表 3 四个民族地区村落3~6岁儿童身体素质发育均值及与全国均值的比较
10米折返跑(s) 立定跳远(cm) 网球掷远(m) 双脚连续跳(s) 走平衡木(s) M 全国均值 t值 M 全国均值 t值 M 全国均值 t值 M 全国均值 t值 M 全国均值 t值 3岁 男 9.56 9.1 1.63 56.73 64.6 -2.74** 3.08 3.7 -3.44** 7.67 9.4 -3.78*** 12.63 16.8 -3.10** 女 9.60 9.4 0.64 60.15 61.8 -0.67 2.70 3.1 -3.26** 7.13 9.9 -5.46*** 11.67 17.2 -5.45*** 4岁 男 8.39 8.0 1.84 73.68 80.4 -2.79** 4.83 4.7 0.58 6.12 7.6 -6.52*** 9.04 12.1 -4.20*** 女 8.82 8.3 2.34* 68.10 76.6 -4.29*** 4.01 3.9 0.82 6.14 7.7 -7.18*** 8.61 12.2 -5.55*** 5岁 男 7.78 7.1 3.61** 91.86 96.7 -2.45* 6.41 6.2 0.72 5.54 6.3 -3.94*** 7.71 8.4 -1.04 女 8.19 7.4 4.92*** 87.79 90.7 -1.63 4.94 4.8 0.89 5.53 6.4 -6.25*** 7.04 8.5 -3.85*** 6岁 男 8.16 6.6 8.30*** 106.47 107.9 -0.48 6.59 7.7 -3.97*** 5.37 5.7 -1.23 6.28 6.2 0.12 女 8.69 7.0 6.74*** 99.81 100.1 -0.10 5.09 5.9 -3.26** 5.30 5.8 -1.69 6.90 6.4 0.65 -
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