Back to Metaphysics? ——Reexamining the Two Geometrical Attempts in Political PhilosophyTAN Ankui
摘要: 从古今之争的角度来看,霍布斯和罗尔斯以几何学演绎的方式建构政治秩序的尝试,乃是近代以来政治哲学拒斥古典形而上学的结果,其以必然性替代古典的自然或自由概念则是两者的共同起点。霍布斯的契约论以分离的个体理性为前提,但为了推演出政治秩序却不得不对理性概念进行隐性转换,因而并未实现其几何学演绎的目标;罗尔斯的契约论以公共理性为起点,虽然避免了陷入相对主义和虚无主义的风险,但却无力为政治秩序提供普遍的正当性证明。他们在不同意义上的失败提示了形而上学的必要性,但这并不必然意味着要回归古典形而上学,相反,一种基于公共理性的形而上学的社群观是值得进一步探索的方向。Abstract: Viewed from the dichotomy of the ancient and the modern, the attempts of Thomas Hobbes and John Rawls to construct political orders in a geometrically deductive way resulted from the rejection of the ancient metaphysics by the modern political philosophy. The replacement of the ancient concept of nature or freedom with that of necessity is the shared starting point for them. Hobbes's contractarianism is based on separate individual rationality, but his aspiration of geometrical deduction fails since he has to transform the concept of rationality implicitly for the deduction of political order. Starting for the idea of public reason, Rawls's contractarianism escapes the risks of relativism and nihilism, but it is unable to give a universal justification for a legitimate political order. Their failures in different senses reveal the necessity of some form of metaphysics. But the return to the ancient metaphysics is not a necessary conclusion. A metaphysical conception of community based on public reason may be a possible option worthy of enquiry.
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