The Centenary Evolution and Legacy of the Chinese Communist Party's Fighting Spirit
Abstract:The unique fighting spirit came to being at the inception of the Communist Party of China and evolved in the century-long process of revolution, development and reform. It embodies the spirit of diligence, mettle, a sense of responsibility, willingness to take on challenges, determination to overcome difficulties and achieve success. After a century of development, the CPC's fighting spirit has gone through the four stages of advent, tortuous advancement, reinvigoration and innovation, inspiring the Party to lead the people to complete the historic task of revolution, development and reform. Faced with the historic mission of fully building a modern socialist country and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the new era, the CPC must continue to carry forward the fighting spirit and draw on the century-old historic lesson. In other words, it is imperative to chart the right course of fighting and development, uphold the party's leadership and embrace lofty ideals; to stay true to the fighting spirit; to put the people first and protect their interests; to focus on development strategies and ensure timely, prudent, and productive growth; to improve fighting ability through practice and show our mettle in accomplishing the important missions of the present age.
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