The Correlation between Self-Concept Clarityand Subjective Well-being amongAdolescents: A Latent Profile Analysis
摘要: 为探索青少年自我概念清晰性的不同发展模式、分析不同类别的自我概念清晰性在人口统计学变量上的特点以及比较不同类型的青少年在主观幸福感上的差异,本研究通过整群抽样的方法,采用自我概念清晰性量表、生活满意度量表和积极消极情绪量表对来自湖北、河北、浙江、江西、重庆和四川的2792名青少年进行调查。潜在剖面分析发现,青少年的自我概念清晰性可以分为低自我概念清晰性组(26.7%)、中度自我概念清晰性组(51%)和高自我概念清晰性组(22.3%)。多项式Logistic回归分析表明,男生在高自我概念清晰性组所占比例更大(OR=1.54);以大一学生为参照,在中度自我概念清晰性和高自我概念清晰性组中,高一年级的OR比值最低,表明高一学生更可能选择低自我概念清晰性组。方差分析的结果显示,低自我概念清晰性组的认知幸福和情绪幸福得分显著低于中度自我概念清晰性组和高自我概念清晰性组,且中度自我概念清晰性组的认知幸福和情绪幸福得分显著低于高自我概念清晰性组。研究结果表明,青少年的自我概念清晰性的潜在类别均有明显特征,学校教师需要关注低自我概念清晰性的学生,并帮助提升其主观幸福感水平。Abstract: To explore the patterns of self-concept clarity in adolescents, analyze demographic characteristics with different self-concept clarity patterns and compare the differences ofsubjective well-beingamong different types of adolescents, we selected 2792 students from Hubei, Hebei, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Chongqing, and Sichuan provinces respectively to conduct the investigation. These students were asked to complete the Self-concept Clarity scale, Life Satisfactionscale and the Positive and Negative Affection scale. The results indicate that there arethree latent models of self-concept clarity, including "low self-concept clarity group" (26.7%), " moderate self-concept clarity group" (51%), and "high self-concept clarity group" (22.3%). Additionally, in Logistic regression analysis, males take a higher proportion in "high self-concept clarity group"(OR = 1.54). Moreover, takingthe adolescents in first-year college as the reference level, with the growth of grade OR value showinga trend of decreasing first and then increasing, students in the first grade of senior high school present the lowest ratio in the moderate and high self-concept clarity group, which indicates that these students aremore likely to choose the low self-concept clarity group. Finally, according to the results of variance analysis, the cognitive well-being and emotional well-being scores of the group with low self-concept clarity aresignificantly lower than those of the group with high self-concept clarity and the group with moderate self-concept clarity. These results suggest that teachers should pay more attention to students with low self-concept clarity and try to improve their subjective well-being.
表 1 自我概念清晰性与认知和情绪幸福的关系
M SD Cronbach's α kurtosis skewness 1 2 3 1.自我概念清晰性 4.12 0.97 0.80 -0.20 0.09 1 2.认知幸福 3.95 1.05 0.73 0.03 0.12 0.27** 1 3.情绪幸福 0.64 0.99 0.84 -0.17 0.39 0.52** 0.43** 1 注:**p<0.01 表 2 青少年自我概念清晰性各潜在类别指标比较(N=2792)
模型 参数数目 LogL AIC BIC aBIC Entropy LMR BLRT 类别概率 2 37 -61 927.14 123 928.28 124 147.86 124 030.30 0.83 <0.001 <0.001 0.58/0.42 3 50 -61 079.12 122 258.24 122 554.96 122 396.10 0.81 <0.001 <0.001 0.27/0.51/0.22 4 63 -60 863.84 121 853.67 122 227.54 122 027.37 0.76 <0.001 <0.001 0.10/0.34/0.41/0.15 5 76 -60 643.82 121 439.64 121 890.66 121 649.18 0.78 <0.001 <0.001 0.12/0.42/0.14/0.16/0.14 表 3 性别和年级对潜类别组的多项Logistic回归
C2组(中度自我清晰性) C3组(高自我清晰性) OR 95%CI OR 95%CI 性别 男 1.10 0.92~0.13 1.54 1.24~1.92 女 1 - 1 - 年级 初一 0.46 0.35~0.61 0.41 0.30~0.57 初二 0.46 0.35~0.62 0.33 0.23~0.47 高一 0.36 0.27~0.46 0.15 0.11~0.23 高二 0.46 0.36~0.60 0.22 0.15~0.31 大一 1 - 1 - 表 4 不同自我概念清晰性青少年认知幸福和情感幸福的差异检验
F 事后检验 均值差[95%CI] 认知幸福 72.68*** 1<2<3 C1组vs.C2组 -0.28*[-0.37~-0.19] C1组vs.C3组 -0.68*[-0.79~-0.57] C2组vs.C3组 -0.40*[-0.49~-0.30] 情绪幸福 332.59*** 1<2<3 C1组vs.C2组 -0.61*[-0.69~-0.53] C1组vs.C3组 -1.27*[-1.36~-1.17] C2组vs.C3组 -0.66*[-0.74~-0.53] 注:C1组=低自我概念清晰性组;C2组=中度自我概念清晰性;C3组=高自我概念清晰性组。***p<0.001;*p<0.05 -
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