The Change and Invariance of Online Literature and Its Development Strategy in the New Context of Literature
摘要: 文学新生态既有内部的逻辑自洽,也有外部的结构关联,是一个复杂的自组织体系。它既有传统的烙印,也有新时代的创新。处于文学新生态语境下的网络文学,相对于传统文学的变化是全方位的,不仅在作为文学核心构成的文本、作者和读者中全面呈现,而且在传播渠道、评价体系和编辑职责等外部构成中也有表现。这种核心构成和外部构成的变化相互促进,呈现的是一种积极因素。在变化中出现的问题是发展中的问题,将在发展中解决,因此需要理性认识这种变化,坚持文学发展的理论逻辑、历史逻辑和实践逻辑,坚持正确的道器观、时空观和义利观,积极引导,实现文学新生态的初心和使命。Abstract: The new ecology of literature, a complex self-organizing system, has both internal logical self-consistency and external structural associations. It carries both a traditional imprint and a new era of innovation. In terms of form, it is still in its infancy. Compared with traditional literature, online literature in the context of a new literary ecology is a comprehensive change. This change is not only presented in the text, authors, and readers that constitute the core of literature, but also in communication channels, evaluation systems, editors, and other external components. The changes of the core and external components promote each other and present a positive factor. Problems that arise in change are problems in development and will be resolved in development. Therefore, we must rationally recognize this change, adhere to the theoretical logic, historical logic, and practical logic of literary development, observe the correct view of Taoism, time, space, and justice, and actively guide to realize the original mission of the new ecology of literature.
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