Enhancing the Adaptability of Vocational and Technical Education: Theoretical Evidence, Era Connotation and Practical Path
摘要: “增强职业技术教育适应性”这一命题源于技能问题复杂的社会属性,其本质是以技能为要素,强化职业教育与社会各子系统的深度互动,并逐渐形成一个有利于技能形成、发现和使用的生态系统。改革开放以来,“职业技术教育适应性”的内涵经历了由“被动适应”向“主动调适”的变迁。未来增强职业技术教育适应性应以解决技能问题为突破口,将技能问题置于复杂的社会背景之中,从技能的形成、使用、发展三个环节入手构建实践框架。在政策路径上,应以构建纵横贯通的职业教育体系促进大众技能形成,以搭建技能人才发现与使用网络促进技能成果共享,以创设尊重技能的制度环境提升技能的社会认可,以强化各层次间的协作机制建设促进社会主体协同。Abstract: The proposition of "enhancing the adaptability of vocational and technical education" originates from the complex social attribute of skills. Its essence is to take skills as the element, to strengthen the deep interaction between vocational education and various subsystems of society, and gradually form an ecosystem conducive to the formation, discovery and use of skills. Since the beginning of the Reform and Opening-up, the connotation of "adaptability of vocational and technical education" has experienced the change from "passive adaptation" to "active adaptation". In the future, to enhance the adaptability of vocational and technical education, we should take the solution of skill problems as a breakthrough, place skill problems in a complex social context, and build a practical framework from the three links of the formation, use and development of skills. On the policy path, we should build a vertical and horizontal vocational education system to promote the formation of public skills, build a network for the discovery and use of skilled talents to promote the sharing of skills achievements, create an institutional environment to respect skills to enhance the social recognition of skills, and strengthen the construction of cooperation mechanism among all levels, and promote the collaboration of social subjects.
图 2 技能的三种类型[23]
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