Current Situation, Existing Problems of Non-English Language Courses in Middle Schools and Suggestions: A Survey Analysis based on the Japanese and Spanish Courses in the Middle Schools of Sichuan Province
摘要: 国家颁布了日语、西班牙语等小语种课程标准, 旨在引导、指导中小学开好小语种课程, 培养具有国际视野和多元文化的复合型人才。通过调查问卷、访谈以及实地调研, 发现中学小语种①课程开设存在诸多问题: 教育行政部门统筹不够、课程体系不完善、教材体系不完善、跨校衔接难度大、小语种教师职业发展受限以及社会对小语种存在认识误区等。针对问题, 从强化教育行政部门统筹、完善课程设置、规划教材使用、加强师资建设、开展教研指导、注重教学评价以及加强社会宣传等方面提出了在中小学开好小语种的建议。 ① 本文所述的小语种是指除通用语英语以外的其他语种。Abstract: China has promulgated Japanese, Spanish and other language curriculum standards, aimed at guiding primary and secondary schools to develop non-English language courses, and cultivating talents with an international vision and multiculturalism. The questionnaire survey, interviews, and field investigations about the non-English courses in middle schools in Sichuan Province show existing problems such as insufficient guidance from education administration departments, inadequate curriculum systems, incomplete teaching material system, difficult cross-school integration, marginalization of the multilingual teacher and misunderstanding of concepts. In view of the problems, this paper puts forward suggestions on language courses in primary and secondary schools from the aspects of strengthening the overall planning of education administrative departments, improving curriculum setting, planning the use of teaching materials, strengthening the construction of teachers, carrying out teaching and research guidance, focusing on teaching evaluation and strengthening social publicity.
Key words:
- middle schools /
- non-English language course /
- existing problems /
- suggestions .
表 1 四川省日语、西语课程起点年级及学校数量
三年级 六年级 初一上 高一上 高一下 高二上 高二下 高三上 日语 4 8 4 2 2 西语 1 2 7 4 1 1 1 表 2 四川省中学双外语开设模式
开设形式 开班类型 课程起点 日语周课时 英语周课时 1类.双语实验班(必修) 初中起点
高中起点4-5 6-7 2类.辅修日语(选修) 兴趣班 小学起点
高中起点1-4 6-8 3类.主修日语(必修) 留学班、高考班 高中起点 8-12 0-1 表 3 四川省日语、西语教师反映的课程开设及自身发展主要问题
日语 西语 1.学校投入资源有限 1.没有定期或合适的培训以提高自身教育水平和综合能力 2.课时少 2.没有教学团队 3.没有定期或合适的培训以提高自身教育水平和综合能力 3.课程不成体系 4.课程不成体系 4.课时少 5.没有教学团队 5.课程不稳定,随时开、随时停 6.课程不稳定,随时开、随时停 6.学校投入资源有限 -
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