Family management, Regional Marketization and the Financial Performance of Family Enterprises
摘要: 以社会情感财富理论为基础,对我国A股主板上市家族企业在2008-2020年的相关数据进行实证研究,结合企业所在地区市场化程度的不同,分别以家族成员出任总经理和家族二代成员参与管理为家族化管理的衡量指标,分析家族化管理对家族企业财务绩效的影响。结果表明:家族成员出任总经理有利于提高家族企业财务绩效; 家族后代成员参与管理会降低家族企业财务绩效; 地区市场化程度在家族成员出任总经理与家族企业财务绩效之间具有负向调节作用,且在家族二代成员参与管理与家族企业财务绩效之间具有正向调节作用。该结论为在市场化经济条件下,家族化管理与家族企业财务绩效之间关系提供了经验证据和科学指导依据。Abstract: Based on the theory of socioemotional wealth, this paper makes an empirical study on the data of family enterprises listed on the main board and the SME board from 2008 to 2020. Considering the marketization degree of different regions where the enterprise is located, we take family member general manager and family offspring members participating in the management as the indicators of family management, analyze the effect of family management on the financial performance of family enterprises. The findings are as follows. The appointment of family members as general managers is conducive to improving the financial performance of family enterprises, and the participation of family descendants in management will reduce the financial performance of family enterprises. The marketization degree plays a negative moderating effect between the family member general manager and the financial performance of family enterprises, and marketization degree plays a positive moderating effect between family offspring members participating in the management and the financial performance of family enterprises. This conclusion provides empirical evidence and scientific guidance for the relationship between family management and the financial performance of family enterprisesunder the conditions of market-oriented economy.
Key words:
- family management /
- financial performance /
- marketization /
- intergenerational inheritance .
表 1 变量定义表
变量类型 变量名称 变量符号 变量定义 被解释变量 资产回报率 ROA 税后净利润除以该年年初及年末总资产的平均值 净资产收益率 ROE 净利润除以该年年初及年末股东权益的平均值 解释变量 家族成员出任总经理 Fgm 虚拟变量,企业总经理是否由家族成员担任,如是,则取值1,否则取值0 家族后代成员参与管理 Gen 虚拟变量,是否有家族后代成员参与管理,如是,则取值1,否则取值0 调节变量 地区市场化程度 MD 2008-2020年各公司所在省份市场化总指数评分 控制变量 成立年限 Age 代表上市公司自成立之年起的年数 企业规模 Lnsize 总资产的对数 海外销售收入占比 Fsts 海外销售额占总销售额比例 资产负债率(%) Lev 负债总额占资产总额的百分比 行业 MI 虚拟变量,若属于制造业,则取值1,否则,取值0 年份 Year 虚拟变量 表 2 描述性统计结果
Variable N Mean Sd Min Max ROA 3,008 0.073 1 0.059 3 -0.107 2 0.270 4 ROE 3,006 0.089 1 0.186 7 -0.234 6 0.362 7 Fgm 3,008 0.542 4 0.498 2 0.000 0 1.000 0 Gen 3,008 0.178 3 0.382 4 0.000 0 1.000 0 Age 3,008 12.380 1 5.717 2 2.000 0 27.000 0 Lnsize 3,008 5.395 5 0.921 9 3.589 0 8.557 6 Fsts 3,008 0.156 9 0.240 6 0.000 0 0.945 5 lev 3,008 37.130 3 19.510 3 3.966 5 84.730 2 MI 3,008 0.544 3 0.498 2 0.000 0 1.000 0 MD 3,008 7.986 1 1.609 6 -0.230 0 10.000 0 表 3 Pearson相关系数表
ROA ROE Fgm Gen Age Lnsize Fsts Lev MI MD ROA 1.000 0 ROE 0.906 3*** 1.000 0 Fgm 0.033 1** 0.041 6*** 1.000 0 Gen -0.013 6*** -0.042 3** 0.173 1 1.000 0 Age -0.023 9*** -0.056 1*** -0.031 4 0.129 8** 1.000 0 Lnsize -0.024 3 0.104 2*** -0.082 8*** 0.241 1** 0.126 0*** 1.000 0 Fsts -0.061 5*** -0.095 5*** 0.124 9*** 0.083 5* -0.015 9 -0.062 2*** 1.000 0 Lev -0.045 4*** -0.046 2** -0.095 3*** 0.283 2 0.145 7*** 0.180 6*** -0.102 2*** 1.000 0 MI -0.011 2 -0.066 4*** 0.047 2** 0.293 7 -0.034 2* -0.145 2*** 0.207 4*** -0.165 3*** 1.000 0 MD -0.091 4*** -0.081 4*** 0.090 1*** 0.038 4*** 0.091 2*** 0.114 7*** 0.183 5*** 0.017 0 0.047 6** 1.000 0 注:*表示P<0.1,**表示P<0.05,***表示P<0.01 表 4 家族成员出任总经理的回归结果
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 变量 ROA ROE ROA ROE ROA ROE Fgm 0.021 4*** 0.059 2* 0.002 3*** 0.062 0* 0.030 2** 0.063 5** (2.950 1) (1.732 3) (3.021 4) (1.890 2) (2.293 4) (2.363 9) MD -0.002 7** -0.003 4** -0.003 3** 0.003 9** (-1.120 9) (-2.373 1) (-2.279 8) (2.282 2) Fgm*MD -0.011 0** -0.021 2*** (-2.730 2) (-3.470 9) Age -0.000 1 0.000 4 -0.000 2 0.000 3 -0.000 2 0.000 5 (-0.421 0) (1.433 1) (-0.474 5) (1.411 2) (-0.430 1) (1.492 3) Lnsize 0.013 0*** 0.024 6*** 0.014 3*** 0.024 2*** 0.012 4*** 0.024 9*** (8.853 2) (10.910 1) (8.880 2) (10.911 2) (8.821 7) (10.892 3) Fsts -0.016 6*** -0.028 8*** -0.015 9*** -0.028 3*** -0.015 8*** -0.028 0*** (-3.571 2) (-4.020 1) (-3.364 1) (-3.831 8) (-3.342 9) (-3.842 1) Lev -0.001 0*** -0.000 9*** -0.001 1*** -0.000 7*** -0.001 2*** -0.000 8*** (-5.290 7) (-7.582 0) (-5.262 3) (-7.572 9) (-5.261 2) (-7.583 5) MI -0.002 0 -0.006 2* -0.001 9 -0.006 4* -0.001 6 -0.006 1* (-0.872 3) (-1.791 0) (-0.860 1) (-1.732 1) (-0.843 4) (-1.743 1) C 0.062 3*** 0.013 5 0.067 3*** 0.016 3 0.063 6*** 0.005 0 (7.262 8) (1.014 3) (6.792 1) (1.061 9) (5.733 8) (0.282 3) N 3 008 3 006 3 008 3 008 3 008 3 008 R2 0.125 7 0.192 9 0.136 0 0.213 0 0.146 2 0.223 7 注:***、**、*分别表示在1%、5%和10%的水平下显著 表 5 家族后代参与管理的回归结果
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 变量 ROA ROE ROA ROE ROA ROE Gen -0.017 9** -0.038 4*** -0.018 4** -0.401*** -0.019 6** -0.041 2*** (-2.380 2) (-3.212 9) (-2.382 0) (-3.213 8) (-2.382 1) (-3.210 8) MD -0.004 7*** -0.004 3** -0.005 8** -0.003 7** (-2.928 1) (-2.427 2) (-2.203 7) (-2.371 2) Gen*MD 0.014 2* 0.012 6** (1.862 4) (2.397 6) Age -0.000 1 0.000 4 -0.000 1 0.000 5 -0.000 3 0.000 7 (-0.443 2) (1.390 3) (-0.497 4) (1.379 0) (-0.487 3) (1.393 4) Lnsize 0.012 9*** 0.024 4*** 0.013 2*** 0.024 7*** 0.012 4*** 0.025 4*** (8.842 5) (9.833 8) (8.841 7) (8.130 9) (8.672 9) (10.793 4) Fsts -0.016 2*** -0.027 4*** -0.015 4*** -0.027 1*** -0.015 8*** -0.028 2*** (-3.494 1) (-3.832 3) (-3.288 1) (-3.739 0) (-3.353 1) (-3.864 2) Lev -0.001 0*** -0.000 8*** -0.001 3*** -0.001 4*** -0.001 2*** -0.001 7*** (-5.343 0) (-7.658 9) (-5.315 8) (-7.645 3) (-5.267 2) (-7.575 9) MI -0.002 0 -0.006 2* -0.001 9 -0.006 7* -0.002 0 -0.007 5* (-0.872 9) (-1.784 6) (-0.764 9) (-1.708 0) (-0.675 2) (-1.815 6) C 0.063 8*** 0.017 5 0.068 4*** 0.019 4 0.068 3*** 0.019 1 (7.544 9) (1.343 0) (6.155 8) (1.271 0) (6.943 0) (1.254 5) N 3 008 3 006 3 008 3 008 3 008 3 008 R2 0.125 4 0.191 9 0.125 7 0.093 4 0.135 9 0.202 6 注:***、**、*分别表示在1%、5%和10%的水平下显著 表 6 家族成员出任总经理的一期滞后回归结果
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 变量 ROA ROE ROA ROE ROA ROE Fgm(-1) 0.027 3*** 0.068 3** 0.003 7*** 0.075 9* 0.0427*** 0.0759*** (3.284 9) (2.380 9) (3.024 3) (1.735 7) (3.477 1) (3.123 0) MD(-1) -0.0042** -0.0049** -0.0048** 0.0052** (-1.571 2) (-2.461 9) (-2.512 8) (2.244 9) Fgm(-1)*MD(-1) -0.011 0*** -0.021 2*** (-3.731 2) (-3.473 2) Age(-1) -0.000 1 0.000 3 -0.000 2 0.000 5 -0.000 1 0.000 4 (-0.427 0) (1.430 9) (-0.473 4) (1.413 9) (-0.435 3) (1.491 6) Lnsize(-1) 0.013 4*** 0.029 3*** 0.043 9*** 0.023 6*** 0.021 4*** 0.031 4*** (4.593 5) (4.032 9) (5.383 1) (4.925 2) (4.324 9) (3.484 2) Fsts(-1) -0.021 8*** -0.043 2*** -0.015 9*** -0.028 3*** -0.015 8*** -0.028 0*** (-3.572 0) (-4.022 1) (-3.366 8) (-3.836 9) (-3.346 3) (-3.845 0) Lev(-1) -0.001 2*** -0.001 4*** -0.001 9*** -0.002 3*** -0.003 2*** -0.001 6*** (-4.391 0) (-3.980 0) (-4.320 3) (-4.952 0) (-5.284 1) (-5.298 4) MI(-1) -0.002 0 -0.006 2* -0.001 9 -0.006 8* -0.001 9 -0.007 1* (-0.873 4) (-1.793 0) (-0.664 1) (-1.738 9) (-0.944 2) (-1.745 6) C 0.036 9*** 0.037 5 0.046 3*** 0.042 1 0.048 5*** 0.003 6 (7.263 8) (1.010 8) (6.471 3) (1.590 9) (5.420 1) (0.973 3) N 2 531 2 536 2 531 2 536 2 531 2 536 R2 0.149 6 0.213 3 0.203 9 0.272 1 0.184 7 0.281 7 注:***、**、*分别表示在1%、5%和10%的水平下显著 表 7 家族后代参与管理的一期滞后回归结果
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 变量 ROA ROE ROA ROE ROA ROE Gen(-1) -0.021 6*** -0.042 7*** -0.019 8** -0.497 4*** -0.021 73** -0.048 3*** (-3.420 2) (-3.011 2) (-2.494 6) (-3.953 2) (-2.282 6) (-3.123 7) MD(-1) -0.005 4*** -0.006 2** -0.006 8*** -0.005 2* (-3.195 7) (-2.393 4) (-2.148 3) (-1.836 5) Gen(-1)*MD(-1) 0.021 8** 0.023 5*** (2.191 5) (3.130 9) Age(-1) -0.000 2 0.000 3 -0.000 4 0.000 5 -0.000 3 0.000 6 (-1.284 7) (1.094 7) (-1.360 8) (1.590 4) (-1.611 9) (1.300 0) Lnsize(-1) 0.032 1*** 0.029 4*** 0.021 8*** 0.039 4*** 0.032 9*** 0.038 2*** (4.123 1) (4.935 7) (3.484 2) (3.013 0) (4.610 5) (4.170 1) Fsts(-1) -0.028 3*** -0.032 8*** -0.028 3*** -0.039 2*** -0.021 3*** -0.027 9*** (-3.242 7) (-4.331 9) (-3.093 4) (-4.216 2) (-3.136 5) (-3.945 8) Lev(-1) -0.001 5*** -0.001 3*** -0.001 7*** -0.001 2*** -0.001 6*** -0.001 7*** (-4.382 5) (-3.353 0) (-3.900 1) (-5.283 9) (-4.294 6) (-4.356 8) MI(-1) -0.004 9 -0.004 5*** -0.001 9 -0.006 2* -0.002 0 -0.006 3** (-0.870 1) (-3.780 0) (-0.863 0) (-1.784 7) (-1.153 2) (-2.347 2) C 0.047 2** 0.038 4* 0.058 6*** 0.038 4 0.068 3*** 0.019 1 (2.340 3) (1.744 9) (3.720 3) (1.583 4) (3.270 5) (1.460 0) N 2 531 2 536 2 531 2 536 2 531 2 536 R2 0.214 6 0.201 9 0.183 4 0.137 4 0.193 7 0.237 4 注:***、**、*分别表示在1%、5%和10%的水平下显著 -
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