摘要: 农村居民点空间优化有助于保护耕地、提高农村建设用地节约集约利用水平。以重庆市潼南区中渡村为例,采用实证研究方法,从土地宜耕性和生态主导功能入手,将村域空间划分为规模经营示范区、农业自耕经营区和生态功能区。根据各区域农业发展现状和发展定位,将农村居民点空间优化模式分为四周环绕式、组团嵌套式和整合迁并式。研究表明:根据村域功能分区探索农村居民点空间优化模式,有利于居民点集中布局以及后期基础设施建设和农村居住环境改善。将居民点空间布局优化与农业经营条件、生态环境保护相结合,更契合农村经济的未来发展方向和农户居住意愿,可以提高居民点空间优化现实性和可操作性,是乡村建设破除城乡分隔二元地域结构的有益探索。
Research on Spatial Distribution Optimization of Rural Settlement Based on Spatial Function Regionalization--- A Case Study of Zhongdu Village,Tongnan Section in Chongqing
- 农村居民点 /
- 空间优化 /
- 功能分区
Abstract: Space reconstruction of rural settlements is an important measure for protection of cultivated land .Space reconstruction of rural settlements is beneficial to adapt to the productive forces of rapid grow th and production relations in transition with the purpose of promoting the rural economy with sus ‐tainable development .In this paper ,we choose the Zhongdu village in Tongnan ,Chongqing as an example and divide the village into three regions based on land condition and ecological suitability .For land condi‐tion ,the evaluation system includes potential productivity and development pressure of cultivate lands to build cultivated land suitability evaluation system .For ecological suitability ,the evaluation system is es‐tablished from four angles as terrain conditions ,biological resources ,water resources ,and human inter‐ference .And land condition and ecological suitability both use analytic hierarchy process to determine the index weights .Based on the assessment result ,Zhongdu village is divided into three function zones ,high‐yield demonstration region ,traditional agricultural region and ecological function region .Then we analysis the three regions with agriculture current situation and villagers'residence demands ,and built three kinds of rural settlement space reconstructed mode with different regions .The results showed that :it is more re‐alistic and easy to execute that combine the land condition and ecological suitability with rural settlement space reconstruction .First of all ,assessment of ecological suitability can identify the ecological quality sta‐tus and its spatial distribution which can prevent issues in advance .Secondly ,rural settlement space recon‐struction should adapt the agricultural producing methods and upgrade agriculture structure .Summarized above analysis ,rural settlement space reconstruction based on land condition and ecological suitability is benefit to future development of rural economy and protection of ecological environment .