三峡库区是世界最大的人工水库和中国贫困人口聚集区,2003年蓄水后,在逐步实现蓄水、通航和发电三大目标的同时,给农业可持续发展、移民安稳致富、生态环境建设和国家战略性淡水资源库保护等带来了新的挑战:大批良田好地被淹,库区移民人均耕地面积只有386.7 m2,远低于全国农村人均1 013.4 m2的水平,因承载着超负荷的人口和环境保护的重担,人地矛盾突出,同时土地的高负荷利用,使生态系统处于不良状态[2];新生消落区原有植被大多被破坏,每年2-4月,水库放水发电,腾出落差高达30 m的防洪库容,消落区出露成陆,形成面积达348.9 km2的“拟似荒漠化区域”,基本丧失拦截、消纳和清除农业面源污染的功能,同时大批浅滩鱼类产卵孵化场成为陆地,给环境保护和鱼类繁衍造成了不利影响;以种养废弃物的排放、化肥农药的过量施用为主体的面源污染日益严重,随地表径流携带的氮、磷和泥沙等未经拦截,长驱直入长江[1-3],危害国家战略淡水资源库安全,成为三峡库区最大的污染源,是不容忽视的生态环境问题,对库区可持续发展、移民安稳致富、生态环境保护等带来重大影响[4-7].
农业与生态的和谐发展已成为世界农业发展的共识和目标. 2009年美国把有机农业列入行政管理范畴,欧洲完善了农业生态补偿制度,应对水源环境的污染[8-10].借鉴国际水域环境治理经验,发展生态农业是应对气候变化和人为干扰、有效治理江河湖泊面源污染的重要途径[11].为避免太湖、滇池等以富营养化为特征的湖泊水质污染在三峡水库重演,保护国家战略淡水资源库安全,项目运用动植物生理生态学原理,采取生物、工程与农艺措施相结合的方法,建设库岸屏障区柑橘、消落区草场、水域区渔场三条特色生态产业带,构建多重循环农业产业链,配套沼液管灌和雨水径流拦截沟渠,依托柑橘、草饲料、淡水鱼等特色产业[12],多层拦截、消纳面源污染,保护水资源安全,改善生态环境,初步解决了三峡库区移民增收、特色经济发展、生态环境建设和长江淡水资源保护等世界性难题[13-16].
The Construction of a Circular Agriculture Ecosystem in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area and a Verifying Experiment about the Nitrogen and Phosphorus Reduction Effect
摘要: 三峡工程建设对农业持续发展、移民安稳致富、生态环境保护等带来了重大影响.为减轻和避免三峡工程对库区生态环境、农业生产和国家战略性淡水资源产生的负面影响,将三峡环库屏障区、消落区和水域区作为整体,实施以屏障区柑橘、消落区耐淹牧草、水域区天然鱼场为重点的环库特色产业带建设工程,构建三峡库区循环农业生态系统,依托特色生态农业带阻控面源污染.实证证明,应用柑橘营养诊断配方施肥技术,果园营养元素利用率显著提高,果园出口端径流可达到地表Ⅱ-Ⅲ类水质标准;消落区耐淹草场底端的入库径流NH4+-N未检出,NO3--N较果园径流降低1.5%,可溶性总磷减少48.6%;水域区实施鱼类增殖放流工程,觅食绿藻浮萍等,固定富集水域中的氮磷.项目通过农业生产-产品销售途径,将富集的氮磷大量移出库区.扭转了三峡库区生态环境退化、农业萎缩和环境污染加剧的势头,保护了国家淡水资源库安全,可为同类地区修复退化生态系统、发展循环生态农业提供借鉴.Abstract: The construction of the Three Gorges Project has seriously influenced the sustainable development of agriculture, the prosperity and stability of migrants and environment protection in the reservoir area. Therefore, in order to reduce these negative effects brought by the Three Gorges Project on the ecological environment, agricultural production and the national strategic freshwater resources, this research considered the barrier area, the riparian zone and the water area around the Three Gorges Reservoir as an entirety, established an agricultural industry belt with the citrus orchards on the reservoir bank as the barrier belt of sediment and livestock waste carried by the surface runoff, the submergence tolerant forage grass meadow on the riparian zone as the absorption and fixation area of soluble nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), and the natural fish farm for restocked fish resources in the water area as the removal method of the N and P concentrated on fish. (According to these three functional parts, we built 4 recyclable chains, i.e. livestock-biogas slurry-citrus-citrus meal-feed, livestock-biogas slurry-citrus-forage grass, and citrus-citrus meal-organic fertilizer, to make recycling of the agricultural waste and reduce the water pollution in the reservoir area.) The main results of our research were as follows: The nutrition diagnosis-based formula fertilization technique obviously increased the utilization rate of N and P from the fertilizer: in 2014, calculated with the fertilizer dosage and the fruit absorption, the N and P utilization rate of citrus orchards in Wushan and Changshou were 83.27% and 93.33%, respectively, and due to the high fertilizer utilization rate with the cut off ditches, sand stabilizing trenches and rainwater runoff buffering ponds, the exiting water quality could satisfy the Chinese Surface Water Quality Standard, LevelⅡ or Ⅲ. The submergence tolerant forage grass planted on the riparian area absorbed the soluble N and P efficiently: The result of water quality test of the exiting water runoff at the bottom of the submergence tolerant forage grass meadow indicated that soluble P was reduced by 48.6% and no NH4+-N was detected. The fish resource restocking in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area increased the fish amount massively, and therefore fishes eliminated the algae and concentrated N and P to themselves. Then by fishery these N and P could be removed from the reservoir area. The fishery amount after the restocking had since increased by 289.5%, compared to the amount in 2005. Thus we can conclude that building the recyclable industry belt in the Three Gorge Reservoir Area can remove the surplus N and P by selling the products of these three industries, inverse the trend of increasing pollution and atrophying of agriculture and eco-environment in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area and protect the water resources, which is a successful example for similar situations.
表 1 2012-2014年大昌柑橘园营养检测结果
年度 2012年10月 2013年10月 2014年10月 果园 试验园 对照 试验园 对照 试验园 对照 检测数据 与标准比 检测数据 与标准比 检测数据 与标准比 检测数据 与标准比 检测数据 与标准比 检测数据 与标准比 N/(g·kg-1) 25.73 O 28.01 H 22.25 L 22.73 L 24.82 L 22.95 L P/(g·kg-1) 1.41 O 1.35 O 1.27 O 1.25 O 1.60 O 1.69 H K/(g·kg-1) 9.43 L 8.84 L 9.72 L 8.62 L 11.94 O 9.14 L Ca/(g·kg-1) 35.11 O 36.68 O 43.00 O 46.63 O 43.26 O 37.03 O Mg/(g·kg-1) 2.72 L 2.87 L 3.05 O 2.85 L 2.40 L 3.12 O S/(g·kg-1) 2.47 O 2.55 O 2.12 O 2.03 O 2.09 O 1.9 L Fe/(mg·L-1) 86.47 O 106.46 O 90.21 O 79.66 O 61.35 O 117.74 O Mn/(mg·L-1) 27.16 O 27.31 O 29.14 O 28.09 O 27.87 O 28.84 O Zn/(mg·L-1) 10.28 D 9.87 D 12.44 D 11.44 D 12.79 D 10.14 D Cu/(mg·L-1) 5.71 L 4.48 L 4.4 L 5.54 L 3.95 L 4.76 L B/(mg·L-1) 32.59 L 27.18 L 20.00 D 28.70 D 25.65 L 25.16 L 注:检测单位为农业部柑桔及苗木质量监督检验测试中心;由于多年监测重庆地区Mo元素全部为正常水平,Cl为偏高,取消了每年检测. O表示正常,L表示低,D表示极缺,H表示高. 表 2 2013-2015巫山大昌柑橘园控氮减磷统计
种类 2013 2014 2015 试验园 对照 试验园 对照 试验园 对照 果实产量/(t·hm-2) 2.25 4.5 9.0 7.5 30.0 9.0 合计氮磷移除量/(kg·hm-2) 16.0 31.95 63.9 53.25 213.0 63.9 氮移除量/(kg·hm-2) 13.5 27.0 54.0 45.0 180.0 54.0 磷移除量/(kg·hm-2) 2.5 4.95 9.9 8.25 33.0 9.90 化肥用量/(kg·hm-2) 615 600 1 215 900 1 515 900 尿素/(kg·hm-2) 15 0 15 0 15 0 无机复合肥/(kg·hm-2) 0 0 0 450 0 900 有机配方肥/(kg·hm-2) 600 600 1 200 450 1 500 0 纯氮磷投入量/(kg·hm-2) 102.9 96.0 198.9 207.0 246.9 270.0 尿素(N=46%)/(kg·hm-2) 6.9 0 6.9 0 6.9 0 无机复合肥(N,P=14%,16%)/(kg·hm-2) 0 0 0 135.0 0 270.0 有机配方肥(N,P=13%,3%)/(kg·hm-2) 96.0 96.0 192.0 207.0 240.0 0 化肥利用率/% 15.55 33.28 32.13 25.72 86.27 23.67 橘渣消纳量/(kg·hm-2) 600 600 1 200 450 1 500 0 注:检测数据来源于农业部柑橘及苗木质量监督检验测试中心;栽植密度600株/hm2;果实含氮0.6%,磷0.11%;化肥利用率只计算氮磷直接利用率(果实移除量/投入量);橘渣秸秆按鲜质量计,20 kg干质量折算100 kg鲜质量. 表 3 巫山大昌湖消落区草场顶端及底端水质监测
/(mg·L-1) 试验区 大昌果园 草场底端 对照果园 监测 水质 监测 水质 监测 水质 总氮(TN) 0.452 Ⅱ 0.823 Ⅲ 0.602 Ⅲ 铵态氮(NH4+-N) 0.000 Ⅰ 0.000 Ⅰ 0.000 Ⅰ 硝态氮(NO3--N) 0.325 - 0.320 - 0.318 - 总磷(TP) 0.064 Ⅱ 0.090 Ⅱ 0.043 Ⅱ 溶解性总磷(TDP) 0.035 - 0.018 - 0.041 - 总体水质 地表水Ⅱ类 地表水Ⅲ类 地表水Ⅲ类 注:检测单位为农业部柑橘及苗木质量监督检验测试中心;水质标准采用《GB 3838-2002地表水环境质量标准》. 表 4 三峡库区水质年度监测表
流域 年度 增殖放流前 增殖放流后 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 长江 江津 Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ 库区 重庆 Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅲ Ⅰ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ 涪陵 Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ 万州 Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ 库尾 巫山 Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅱ Ⅱ Ⅱ Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅲ -
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