Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Mosques Based on GIS in Qinghai Province
摘要: 基于宗教地理学相关理论,以青海省清真寺为研究对象,运用空间分析方法对青海省伊斯兰教清真寺文化传播的时空演变特征进行研究.结果表明:①青海省清真寺的数量随时间的增长呈波动上升趋势,按增长曲线特征可分为4个阶段:元明时期的缓慢增长阶段、清代的波动增长阶段、民国时期的平稳增长阶段和新中国成立以来的跌宕发展阶段;②随历史的演进,清真寺重心迁移幅度不大,其重心移动距离呈不断减小的趋势,移动方向呈东南-西北-西南移动趋势;③清真寺在青海东部形成"单核集聚"且呈"辐射型"传播发展模式,其分布高度集聚在民和回族土族自治县、化隆回族自治县、大通回族土族自治县、循化撒拉族自治县4个县内,即全省70%的清真寺分布在青海1.4%的地区;④清真寺的分布保持高度自相关,聚集程度呈波动变化,其中,青海东部的化隆回族自治县、循化撒拉族自治县、民和回族土族自治县为稳定清真寺高密度聚集区,西南、西北部分县(市)为不稳定清真寺低密度聚集区,低-低集聚类型呈"片状"分布.Abstract: Based on the theory of religious geography, this paper takes the Qinghai mosque as the research object, and uses the spatial analysis method to study the temporal and spatial evolution characteristics of the Islamic mosque culture spread in Qinghai province. The results show that the number of mosques in Qinghai Province fluctuates with time. According to the characteristics of the growth curve can be divided into four stages: the slow growth stage of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, the stage of the fluctuation of the Qing Dynasty, the steady growth period of the Republic of China and the disorderly growth stage in modern times. With the evolution of history, the center of gravity movement of the mosque is not much. The center of gravity movement distance is decreasing. The moving direction is southeast-northwest-southwest movement trend. The mosque in the eastern part of Qinghai to form a "single-core gathering" and was "radiation" communication development model. Its distribution is highly concentrated in the people and the Hui Autonomous County, Huilong County Autonomous County, Datong Hui Autonomous County, Xunhua Salar Autonomous County. That is 70% of the province's mosques are located in Qinghai 1. 4% of the region. The distribution of the mosque is maintained at a high degree of autocorrelation, and the degree of aggregation is fluctuating. Among them, the eastern part of Qinghai, Huilong County Autonomous County, Xunhua Sala Autonomous County. People's Republic of China and Xinjiang Autonomous County are stable mosques high density gathering area, southwest and northwest counties (cities). For the unstable mosque low density aggregation area, low-low aggregation type was "flaky" distribution.
Key words:
- mosque /
- spatial and temporal evolution /
- center of gravity /
- spatial autocorrelation /
- Qinghai .
表 1 不同时期青海省清真寺重心移动方向与速度
时期 元 明 清 民国 新中国成立以来 中心坐标 102.08°E
36.35°N移动方向 东南 西北 西北 西南 移动距离/km 29.106 31.893 9.861 8.277 表 2 不同时期清真寺空间分布的全局Moran 's I值
时期 Moran's I E(I) Z-value 元明 0.280 5 -0.022 7 5.315 5 清 0.395 4 -0.022 7 5.106 6 民国 0.340 7 -0.022 7 4.683 9 新中国成立以来 0.330 8 -0.022 7 4.685 4 -
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