弓形虫病(Toxoplasmosis)是一种危害极其严重的人兽共患寄生虫病,其病原刚地弓形虫(Toxoplasma gondii)几乎能感染所有的脊椎动物,包括人和牛,主要引起流产、死胎、产畸形胎儿.家畜弓形虫感染不仅给养殖业带来巨大的经济损失,更因其能通过动物的肉和奶等产品直接或间接地传染给人而严重威胁人类的健康,因此监测家畜弓形虫的流行情况并分析影响其感染的危险性因素具有重要意义.
Sero-Epidemiological Investigation and Risk Factor Analysis of Toxoplasma gondii from Cattle in Chongqing
摘要: 采用分析流行病学的“病例-对照研究”和弓形虫抗体ELISA检测方法,对重庆市牛弓形虫血清流行病学进行调查和危险性因素分析.从10个区县所采集的345份牛血清样本中,共检出弓形虫抗体阳性血清94份,平均阳性率为27.25%(94/345),其中公牛和母牛弓形虫感染的阳性率分别为19.25%(36/187),36.71% (58/158);1岁以上的成年牛和小于1岁幼年牛弓形虫的阳性感染率分别为31.06%(82/264),14.81%(12/81);无犬猫牛场弓形虫的感染率为23.40%(33/141),有犬猫牛弓形虫的感染率为29.90%(61/204).危险性因素分析显示,成年牛弓形虫感染率是幼年牛的2.59倍(OR=2.59,X2=8.25,95% CI=1.33~1.5.04,p=0.004),表明重庆地区年龄因素对牛弓形虫病流行有中等程度的关联;母牛弓形虫感染率是公牛感染率的2.43倍(OR=2.43,X2=13.17,95% CI=1.50~3.96,p=0),表明重庆地区性别因素对牛弓形虫病流行有中等程度的关联;有犬猫牛弓形虫的感染率是无犬猫的1.40倍(OR=1.40,X2=1.77,95% CI=0.85~2.28,p=0.183),表明重庆地区有无犬猫对牛弓形虫病流行有较弱的关联.Abstract: The objective of this work was to test sero-prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii from cattle in Chongqing. A total of 345 serum samples were obtained from 10 districts/counties of the city and tested for T. gondii antibody by ELISA, of which 94 were found to be positive for T. gondii antibody, the average positive rate being 27.25% (94/345). The positive rates of T. gondii infection in bulls and cows were 19.25% (36/187) and 36.71% (58/158), respectively. The positive rates of T. gondii infection in adult cattle (≥1-year-old) and calves (< 1-year-old) were 31.06% (82/264) and 14.81% (12/81), respectively. On cattle farms with dogs or cats, the infection rate was 29.90% (61/204), being higher than that on farms without dogs or cats 23.40% (33/141). Based on risk factor analysis, T. gondii sero-prevalence was found to be in moderate association with the age (OR=2.59, X2=8.25, 95% CI=1.33-1.5.04)and the gender of the cattle (OR=2.43, X2=13.17, 95% CI=1.50-3.96), and in weak association with the presence of cats or dogs (OR=1.40, X2=1.77, 95% CI=0.85-2.28, p=0.183).
Key words:
- cattle /
- Toxoplasma gondii /
- sero-epidemiological investigation /
- risk factor .
表 1 病例对照调查OR值与疾病关联程度的判定[2]
OR值 被调查因素与被调查疾病关联程度 正关联 负关联 1.0~1.1 0.9~1.0 无关联 1.1~1.5 0.7~0.9 较弱的关联 1.5~3.0 0.4~0.7 中等程度的关联 >3.0 <0.4 较强的关联 表 2 重庆不同区县牛弓形虫血清抗体阳性率
地区 阳性样本数 总样本数 阳性率/% 95% CI 黔江 11 30 36.67 19.9%~56.1% 长寿 19 50 38.00 24.7%~52.8% 涪陵 3 28 10.71 2.3%~28.2% 梁平 5 20 25.00 8.7%~49.1% 荣昌 8 46 17.39 7.8%~31.4% 巫山 13 32 40.63 23.7%~59.4% 云阳 21 61 34.43 22.7%~47.7% 开州 7 35 20.00 8.4%~36.9% 潼南 5 33 15.15 5.1%~31.9% 江津 2 10 20.00 2.5%~55.6% 总计 94 345 27.25 19.9%~56.1% 表 3 重庆地区不同品种的牛弓形虫抗体检测结果
品种 阳性数 样品数 阳性率/% 95% CI 黑白花奶牛 42 110 38.18 29.1%~47.9% 鲁西黄牛 33 156 21.12 15.0%~28.4% 利木赞牛 2 8 25.00 3.2%~65.1% 安格斯牛 4 14 28.57 8.4%~58.1% 西门塔尔牛 13 57 22.81 12.7%~35.8% 合计 94 345 27.25 22.6%~32.3% 表 4 不同因素对牛弓形虫感染的危险性
组别 危险性因素 样品总数 阳性数 阳性率% P值 OR值 X2值 95%置信度 年龄 成年牛 264 82 31.06 0.004 2.59 8.25 1.33~5.04 幼年牛 81 12 14.81 性别 母牛 158 58 36.71 0.000 2.43 13.17 1.50~3.96 公牛 187 36 19.25 有无犬猫 有犬猫 204 61 29.90 0.183 1.40 1.77 0.85~2.28 无犬猫 141 33 23.40 海拔高度 <500 m(丘陵) 189 44 23.28 0.069 0.64 3.12 0.40~1.04 ≥500 m(山地) 156 50 32.05 气温 ≥20 ℃(温热) 174 46 26.44 0.733 1.09 0.12 0.68~1.74 <20 ℃(寒冷) 171 48 28.07 注:以上气温分类参考《2017年重庆市气候公报》. -
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