梳理相关文献进展发现:①关于结构有序度的评价:主要以运用信息熵[2]测算土地利用结构系统中的均质性和有序度为主,揭示结构变化特征;②关于效率的测算:在评价方法上多以多目标遗传算法[3]、多元回归分析[4]、MCDM-CA模型[5]以及传统DEA的相对效率测算为主[6];在评价指标上主要考虑经济[7]、社会[8]、生态[9]等指标进行综合测度;在评价范围上主要为基于全国尺度的评价[7, 10]、基于区域和省际尺度的评价[11]以及基于市域范围的评价[12].
Efficiency Evaluation of Land Use Structure in Chongqing Based on Regional Differentiation——Comprehensive Use of Information Entropy and Malmquist Index
摘要: 以重庆市38个区县的面板数据为基础,综合运用信息熵和Malmquist指数模型,对重庆市2004-2013年期间土地利用结构信息熵以及土地利用全要素生产率及其分解进行分析评价.结果发现:① 2004-2013年重庆市的土地利用结构信息熵总体呈“平稳-下降-平稳”的变化趋势,空间上信息熵值由主城片区向两翼递减,各片区的发展方向不同是导致其空间分异主要原因. ② 2004-2013年重庆市的全要素生产率呈现微弱的递减趋势,技术效率的下降是其主要原因,各片区的全要素生产率表现出鲜明的空间分异特征,经济发展阶段的不同以及经济发展的局限等问题是形成差异的主要原因.研究发现各片区出现的问题不能“一刀切”,需区别对待技术进步、土地配置效率以及集约利用等因素对于土地利用效率的影响.
- 土地利用结构 /
- 信息熵 /
- Malmquist指数 /
- 重庆市
Abstract: In order to provide a theoretical basis for Chongqing government in making relevant policies according to the specific conditions of specific regions, the authors of this paper, based on the panel data of 38 counties in Chongqing city and using the information entropy and Malmquist index model in combination, analyzed and evaluated the information entropy of land use structure and the total factor productivity (TFP) of the land use in Chongqing city during 2004-2013. The results showed that the land use structure information entropy sequence presented a "steady-decreasing-steady" trend and fluctuated obviously during 2004-2013. In space, information entropy in Chongqing city diminished significantly from the central urban area to its East and North "wings". The main reason for such a spatial heterogeneity is that different areas had different directions of development. Total factor productivity in Chongqing city showed a slight decreasing trend during 2004-2013, the main reason being a decline of technical efficiency. A distinct spatial heterogeneity was shown to exist in the total factor productivity of the city, which was mainly attributed to the different development stages and the limitations in economic growth of different regions. It is concluded from the study of the regional differentiation of Chongqing based on an analysis of the macro land use structure information entropy and the micro land use total factor productivity efficiency that there is no "one-size-fits-all" solution to the problems in different regions, and that the influences of technological progress, land allocation and land intensive use on land use efficiency should be taken into full consideration.-
Key words:
- land use Structure /
- information entropy /
- Malmquist index model /
- Chongqing city .
表 1 2004-2013年重庆市土地利用Malmquist效率指数及分解
年份 技术效率 技术进步 纯技术效率 规模效率 全要素生产率指数 2004-2005 1.000 0.990 0.998 1.002 0.990 2005-2006 0.990 1.060 0.994 0.996 1.049 2006-2007 1.049 1.379 1.048 1.001 1.446 2007-2008 0.959 0.767 0.967 0.991 0.735 2008-2009 0.985 1.027 1.001 0.984 1.012 2009-2010 0.986 1.064 0.998 0.987 1.049 2010-2011 1.069 1.073 1.024 1.044 1.148 2011-2012 0.911 0.872 0.932 0.977 0.794 2012-2013 0.989 0.930 0.993 0.996 0.920 平均值 0.992 1.006 0.995 0.997 0.998 表 2 2004-2013年重庆市各片区土地利用全要素生产率指数及分解
年份 主城片区 渝西片区 渝东北片区 渝东南片区 技术效率 技术进步 全要素生产率指数 技术效率 技术进步 全要素生产率指数 技术效率 技术进步 全要素生产率指数 技术效率 技术进步 全要素生产率指数 2004-2005 1.017 1.073 1.089 0.995 1.020 1.015 1.001 0.939 0.940 0.996 0.944 0.940 2005-2006 0.995 1.350 1.344 0.993 1.067 1.060 0.998 0.969 0.967 0.975 0.980 0.956 2006-2007 1.066 1.361 1.451 1.010 1.389 1.404 1.098 1.411 1.551 1.044 1.373 1.448 2007-2008 0.953 0.909 0.867 0.984 0.760 0.747 0.924 0.720 0.663 0.998 0.716 0.718 2008-2009 1.039 1.059 1.096 0.942 1.012 0.954 0.991 1.081 1.067 1.040 1.021 1.051 2009-2010 0.991 1.109 1.101 0.970 1.203 1.166 0.995 0.944 0.940 1.001 0.995 0.995 2010-2011 1.087 1.078 1.174 1.116 1.169 1.302 1.046 1.010 1.056 1.043 1.024 1.067 2011-2012 0.976 1.001 0.977 0.783 0.807 0.633 0.973 0.873 0.849 1.015 0.853 0.865 2012-2013 0.978 0.955 0.936 0.976 0.908 0.885 1.007 0.923 0.930 1.006 0.960 0.966 平均值 1.011 1.100 1.115 0.974 1.037 1.018 1.004 0.985 0.996 1.013 0.985 1.001 -
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