月季(Rosa hybrida)切花作为世界四大切花之首,年贸易额占世界切花总贸易额的32%[1].然而月季切花不耐贮运,发达国家采后损耗通常在20%,我国往往超过30%,有时甚至高达50%,造成巨大的经济损失[2].主要表现为月季花朵的不正常开放,如僵花、僵蕾,提前衰老等[3-5].因此,解析月季切花采后花朵衰老机制始终是国际热点.
此外,月季花朵的衰老受植物激素调控.乙烯处理引起月季花朵加速开放,花朵开放期(2至4级)较对照的5 d缩短为3.0~3.4 d;然而,乙烯抑制剂1-MCP处理能显著延长花朵开放期,达到7.6~8.1 d[12].在分子水平,一个月季HD-Zip Ⅰ家族RhHB1转录因子介导了GAs、ABA和乙烯3种激素在月季衰老进程中的拮抗调节[13].总体来说,乙烯与ABA促进月季花朵的衰老,而细胞分裂素和赤霉素发挥延缓功能[14].
通常,当植物遭受病菌侵染时会特异诱导某些基因的表达,其中包括病程相关基因(PR).基于蛋白结构和功能特性,将PR蛋白划分为17不同的家族.其中,PR-10蛋白家族包括100多个成员,其开放阅读框(ORF)全长通常包含456至489 bp,编码151~162个氨基酸,具有一个保守的P-loop基序(GxGGxGxxK),定位于细胞质中[15].在前期工作中,我们证明了一个受月季花朵衰老显著诱导的PR10蛋白家族基因RhPR10.1,通过调控花朵内源细胞分裂素浓度,进而拮抗乙烯诱导的月季花朵衰老[16].然而,月季PR-10蛋白家族的其他成员是否也参与了花朵衰老调控仍然未知.本研究从月季花瓣中分离了另一个PR-10蛋白家族基因RhPR10.2,并对其蛋白特性及生物学功能进行了分析,以期为解析PR10蛋白家族基因调控月季花朵衰老的分子机制提供新的理论依据,为月季花朵品质改良分子育种提供基因储备.
Cloning and Biology Functional Characteristic of RhPR10.2 in Rose (Rosa hybrida)
摘要: 为解析月季PR-10家族基因RhPR10.2在月季花瓣衰老中的生物学功能,采用Real-Time PCR、RACE PCR、异源过表达、VIGS(病毒诱导的基因沉默)等生物技术方法,分析了月季RhPR10.2基因在月季不同开放阶段花瓣中的表达谱,克隆了RhPR10.2基因全长,构建了pSuper1300-RhPR10.2异源过表达载体以及pTRV2-RhPR10.2 VIGS载体.结果表明,RhPR10.2基因的表达受月季花瓣衰老显著诱导,其开放阅读框为483 bp,编码160个氨基酸,含有PR-10家族特有的P-loop基序;蛋白分子式为C796H1250N204O239S2,分子量为17 566.02,等电点(pI)为6.07;RhPR10.2蛋白与葡萄VvPR10.1亲缘关系最近;与拟南芥野生型植株(WT)相比,异源过表达RhR10.2基因的拟南芥T2代纯合子植株表现出显著延迟叶片衰老的表型,伴随着更高的叶绿素含量以及更低的离子渗透率;此外,与TRV2对照相比,沉默RhPR10.2基因的月季花瓣表现出加速衰老的表型,伴随着更高的离子渗透率以及衰老marker基因RhSAG12的表达.Abstract: In order to understand the role of PR-10 family gene RhPR10.2 in the regulation of rose petal senescence, real time PCR was used to explore the expression of RhPR10.2 in rose petals of different opening stages, RACE PCR was used for cloning the full length of RhPR10.2. In addition, pSuper1300-RhPR10.2 and pTRV2-RhPR10.2 vectors were constructed for the analysis of the biological function of RhPR10.2. The results showed that the expression of RhPR10.2 was significantly induced by rose petal senescence. Its open reading frame was 483 bp, encoding a protein of 160 amino acids. RhPR10.2 protein had a typical P-loop motif which was conserved in PR-10 protein family. The molecular formula of this protein was C796H1250N204O239S2, with a molecular weight of 17 566.02, and a theoretical pI of 6.07. Phylogenetic tree analysis suggested that RhPR10.2 had the highest similarity with Vitisvinifera VvPR10.1. To evaluate the biological role of RhPR10.2, transgenic arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) was observed. Compared with wild type (WT), RhPR10.2 transgenic T2 plants showed that the senescence of leaves was significantly delayed, accompanying with marked higher content of chlorophyll and significant lower ion leakage. On the contrary, compared with TRV2 control, RhPR10.2 gene silence markedly promoted rose petal senescence, accompaniying with significant higher ion leakage and senescence marker gene RhSAG12 expression.
Key words:
- rose (Rosa hybrida) /
- RhPR10.2 /
- gene silence /
- petal senescence .
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