联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第五次报告指出[1],全球平均气温在1971-2010年以0.09~0.13 ℃/10a升高,全球范围的冰川逐渐消退,温室气体的浓度也上升到了前所未有的水平,全球变暖导致水循环的加剧,进而可能导致极端降水事件的频发.
Spatial-Temporal Variation of Extreme Precipitation Indices During the Main Flood Season in 1961-2015 in Sichuan
摘要: 利用近55a四川省156个气象台站的的汛期(月)逐日降水量资料,采用F检验、滑动t检验、小波分析等方法对近55a四川省汛期极端降水指数的时空特征、周期特征进行了分析.结果表明:1)近55a四川省汛期降水总量、强降水量、降水百分率、连续5日最大降水量及暴雨日数均在绝大部分地区呈增加趋势,在川中部地区呈减少趋势;降水强度及1日最大降水量在四川省大部分地区呈增加趋势.2)在年代际变化率上,汛期强降水、降水强度、降水百分率、1日最大降水量、连续5日最大降水量及暴雨日数均对汛期总降水量的长期气候变化趋势具有一定的指示意义.3)降水总量、强降水及降水强度、日最大降水量、暴雨日数均存在准8a以及3~4a的短周期;降水百分率以及连续5日最大降水量为6~8a和3~4a的短周期.Abstract: Based on the daily precipitation data in June-Aug. of 156 meteorological stations in Sichuan during 1961-2015, F test, moving t-test, wavelet analysis and low pass filtering (LPF) are used to analyze the temporal and spatial distributions of extreme precipitation indices in Sichuan in the recent 55 years. The conclusions are as follows. 1) Spatially, total precipitation amount, heavy precipitation amount, precipitation abnormity percentage, maximum precipitation in five consecutive days and heavy rain days in the flood season during 1961-2015 in Sichuan showed a rising trend in the western and eastern parts of the province and a declining trend in the middle part, and precipitation intensity and day maximum precipitation showed an ascending trend in most parts of the province. 2) On the decadal variability, heavy precipitation amount, precipitation intensity, precipitation abnormity percentage, day maximum precipitation, maximum precipitation in five consecutive days and heavy rain days are of certain significant instruction of the total precipitation during the main flood season. 3) There are 8-year and 3-4-year periodic oscillation of total precipitation, heavy precipitation amount, precipitation intensity, day maximum precipitation and heavy rain days during the 55 years, and there exist 6-8-year and 3-4-year periodic oscillation of precipitation abnormity percentage and maximum precipitation in five consecutive days during the all time series.
表 1 ETCCDMI定义的极端降水指数
名称 定义 单位 暴雨日数 每站日降水量大于等于50 mm的的日数 d 强降水量 每站日降水量>95%分位值的年累计降水量 mm 降水总量 每站降水日的年累计降水量 mm 降水强度 每站日降水量达到或超过阈值以上降水总量与极端强降水日数之比 mm/d 降水百分率 每站日降水量达到或超过阈值以上降水总量与年降水总量之比 % 1日最大降水量 每站每月最大1日降水量 mm 连续5日最大降水量 每站每月连续5日最大降水量 mm 表 2 1961-2015年四川省汛期极端降水指数各站气候倾向率正、负趋势通过0.05显著性检验站数占总站数的百分率
指数 正趋势/% 负趋势/% 总降水量 1.9 14.1 强降水量 9.6 7.7 降水强度 27.6 1.3 降水百分率 7.0 9.0 日最大降水量 9.6 3.2 连续5日最大降水量 7.1 5.8 暴雨日数 7.1 5.8 -
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