Characteristics of Spatial Distribution of the Transnational Restaurants in the Central Urban Area of Chongqing and Their Influencing Factors
摘要: 以重庆主城九区为研究对象,运用大众点评网、艺龙网、高德地图等网络资源数据,借助ArcGIS,GeoDa空间分析软件定量分析跨国餐厅的分布特征.跨国餐厅作为一种生活方式的“符号”,空间可接近和品质生活追求是影响其分布的重要因素.以轨道交通站点为核心的城市商务中心是跨国餐厅集聚的极核,渝北区、江北区、渝中区是跨国餐厅梯级分布的极核区域.商业综合体等级及商圈规模直接影响着跨国餐厅的空间分布,是造成跨国餐厅不均衡分布的主要影响要素.高星级酒店、高校和旅游目的地是跨国餐厅空间布局的主要节点.整体上,重庆主城的跨国餐厅呈现分散化、破碎化的空间形态,空间自相关度不高.重庆主城特殊的山地城市空间形态塑造了破碎化、组团式的人文要素分布格局,这是重庆跨国餐厅空间分布不同于其他东南沿海城市和平原城市的重要特征.Abstract: Based on the data collected from Dianping. com, Elong. com, Amap. com and some other web resources, a quantitative analysis is made of the spatial distribution of the transnational restaurants in the nine districts of the central urban area of Chongqing with the help of the spatial analysis softwares Arcgis and GeoDa. As restaurants serve as a reflection of modern lifestyle, their distribution is mainly affected by their spatial accessibility and people's pursuit of a better life quality. The CBDs (Central Business Districts) with the rail transit stations as the center are the core of the geographical agglomeration of the transnational restaurants, and Yubei district, Jiangbei district and Yuzhong district are the core areas of the transnational restaurants. The spatial distribution of the transnational restaurants is directly affected by the level of the complexes and the size of the commercial areas, which are the main factors for the uneven distribution of the transnational restaurants. High-star hotels, tourism destinations and universities are the main nodes of the spatial distribution of the transnational restaurants. Generally, the transnational restaurants of Chongqing city show a spatial morphology of decentralization and fragmentation, and the degrees of spatial autocorrelation are not high. The unique urban spatial morphology of the central urban area of Chongqing results in a fragmental and clustered distribution of its humanity elements and, therefore, the spatial distribution of the transnational restaurants in Chongqing is quite different from that in cities of the eastern coastal areas and the plain areas of China.
Key words:
- transnational restaurant /
- western restaurant /
- spatial distribution /
- city globalization /
- urban life .
表 1 跨国餐厅空间布局影响因素的变量选取及解释
影响因素 解释 区域经济发展水平 地区生产总值(V1)、社会消费品零售总额(V2)、城镇居民人均可支配收入(V3) 人口 人口密度(V4) 商圈规模 商圈零售总额(V5) 表 2 跨国餐厅分布相关性分析结果
跨国餐厅数量 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 跨国餐厅数量 1 V1 0.813 9 1 V2 0.769 2 0.941 8 1 V3 0.339 8 0.161 2 0.410 8 1 V4 0.165 8 0.273 3 0.518 7 0.709 6 1 V5 0.663 2 0.585 4 0.761 8 0.772 4 0.714 6 1 注:表格中的相关性分析是以V1,V2,V3,V4,V5为自变量,各区跨国餐厅数量为因变量. -
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