枇杷[Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl.]是蔷薇科、枇杷属的亚热带常绿果树,同时也是我国重要的传统中药,其临床应用已有几千年的历史.枇杷叶和花均可入药,据《本草纲目》记载,枇杷主要用于治疗肺热、咳喘、吐逆、烦渴.现代研究表明,枇杷还具有止痛、抗病毒、保肝、抗肿瘤、降血糖和促进免疫的作用,其应用范围日益扩大.
我国具有丰富的枇杷资源[5-6],已有研究报道显示,枇杷中含有丰富的黄酮类和酚类物质[7-8],不同品种的酚类和黄酮类化合物的质量分数及其抗氧化活性存在较大差异.陈俊伟等[9]、徐红霞等[10]和林素英等[11]对不同品种枇杷果实抗氧化活性进行了研究分析,筛选出“软条白沙” “塔下红” “宁海白”和“解放钟”抗氧化活性高的枇杷品种. Hong等[12]对枇杷野生资源研究表明:“台湾枇杷” “恒春枇杷” “西藏枇杷”和“孟加拉枇杷”等6种野生枇杷总黄酮、总酚及其抗氧化活性比栽培品种早钟6号高.洪燕萍等[13]在香花枇杷与普通枇杷抗氧化活性成分比较中,发现野生香花枇杷叶片的抗氧化活性高于普通枇杷.由此可见,枇杷野生资源蕴含很大的发展趋势和利用前景.
Analysis of Total Flavonoids, Total Phenolics and Antioxidant Activities of Common Loquat and Wild Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) Genotypes
摘要: 以5份普通枇杷(单优1号、单优2号、单优3号、湖南早熟和森尾早生)和3份野生枇杷(大渡河枇杷、栎叶枇杷和贵州2号)的叶片和花蕾为材料,分析其总黄酮、总酚质量分数及抗氧化活性,以期为枇杷资源的进一步开发利用提供参考资料.结果表明:1)湖南早熟叶片总黄酮质量分数最高,与其他品种差异有统计学意义;枇杷花蕾中,单优2号的黄酮质量分数高.2)除栎叶枇杷外,花蕾总酚质量分数明显高于叶片,叶片中质量分数高的材料为栎叶枇杷和森尾早生,花蕾中总酚质量分数最高的材料为贵州2号;3)枇杷花蕾抗氧化活性高于叶片,总黄酮、总酚质量分数均与抗氧化活性呈正相关,但总酚质量分数与抗氧化活性的相关性更强.综上可得,在这些枇杷材料中,栎叶枇杷和森尾早生可作为叶片开发材料,贵州2号(花蕾)总酚质量分数和抗氧化活性最高可作为花蕾开发利用的材料.Abstract: In this study, the leaves and flower buds of five common loquat cultivars (Danyou 1, Danyou 2, Danyou 3, Hunanzaoshu and Senweizaosheng) and three wild varieties (Daduhe loquat, Liye loquat and Guizhou 2) were used to examine their total flavonoids, total phenolics and antioxidant activities so as to provide reference for further development of loquat resources. The results showed that total flavonoid content in the leaves of Hunanzaoshu was significantly higher than the other cultivars. In the flower buds, Danyou 2 had the highest total flavonoid content; that total phenolics were higher in flower buds than in leaves in all the genotypes studied, with the exception of Liye loquat, and Liye loquat and Senweizaosheng had high total phenolics in the leaves and Guizhou 2 had the highest total phenolics in the flower buds; and that antioxidant activity in flower buds was higher than that in leaves, total flavonoids and total phenolics were in significant positive correlation with antioxidant activity and the correlation between total phenolics and antioxidant activity was stronger than that between total flavonoids and antioxidant activity. In a word, among these loquat materials, the leaves of Liye loquat and Senweizaosheng can be developed and utilized and, due to its high total phenolics and antioxidant activity, Guizhou 2 can be used as materials for flower bud development.
Key words:
- loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) /
- total flavonoids /
- total phenolics /
- antioxidant activity .
表 1 8份枇杷试验材料名称
编号 材料名称 种名 1 单优1号 E. japonica 2 单优2号 E. japonica 3 单优3号 E. japonica 4 湖南早熟 E. japonica 5 森尾早生 E. japonica 6 大渡河枇杷(野生收集) E. prinoides var. dadunensis 7 栎叶枇杷(野生收集) E. prinoides 8 贵州2号(野生收集) E. japonica 表 2 不同枇杷叶片和花蕾的DPPH与FRAP抗氧化活性
品种 叶片/(μmol·g-1) 花蕾/(μmol·g-1) DPPH FRAP DPPH FRAP 单优1号 222.74±12.32d 269.95±0.67d 551.92±15.74cd 596.55±8.94e 单优2号 246.29±17.48cd 353.52±22.52c 663.54±3.20c 702.59±11.67c 单优3号 221.44±16.78d 342.56±5.42c 571.98±4.65e 612.99±9.96e 湖南早熟 343.52±13.94b 441.74±1.34b 684.03±25.82c 749.72±5.63b 森尾早生 602.50±7.73a 545.59±14.43a 620.81±19.26d 701.22±12.78c 大渡河枇杷 327.38±35.40b 435.17±23.95b 750.30±10.09b 656.29±1.78d 栎叶枇杷 473.88±16.13b 566.96±6.09a 515.30±30.83d 590.80±2.54e 贵州2号 265.47±4.45c 401.19±49.92b 799.14±9.33a 943.44±17.40a 注:相同组织不同材料之间的比较中,小写字母不同表示差异有统计学意义(p<0.05). 表 3 叶片和花蕾中总黄酮、总酚及其抗氧化活性相关性分析
品种 叶片 花蕾 总黄酮 总酚 总黄酮 总酚 DPPH 0.270 0.732** 0.414* 0.907** FRAP 0.461* 0.868** 0.275 0.651** 注:*表示p<0.05;**表示p<0.01,差异有统计学意义. -
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