微孢子虫是一大类专性细胞内寄生的单细胞真核生物[1].微孢子虫具有广泛的宿主范围,它们可以感染几乎所有种类的动物,包括人类[2].微孢子虫感染已被认为是人类微孢子虫病的致病原因.这些感染大多数发生在免疫力低下的患者身上,例如艾滋病患者、癌症患者以及移植受者中[3].人微孢子虫感染主要是由毕氏肠微孢子虫(Enterocytozoonbieneusi,E.bieneusi)、海伦脑炎微孢子虫(Encephalitozoon hellem)、肠脑炎微孢子虫(Encephalitozoon intestinalis)等.其中,最常见的是毕氏肠微孢子虫(Enterocytozoonbieneusi),艾滋病患者中高达50%原因不明的慢性腹泻症状很可能就是E.bieneusi造成的[4-5].这种微孢子虫在肠外的传播不那么普遍,但越来越多的证据表明,在眼睛、呼吸道和人体其他部位也可能存在该种微孢子虫[6-7].
An Improved Method for Purifying Enterocytozoonbieneusi Spores Isolated from Stool Samples of Swine
摘要: 为了从粪便样品中获得纯度更高的毕氏肠微孢子虫(Enterocytozoonbieneusi,E.bieneusi).我们从患腹泻病症的猪粪便中,通过改良网孔过滤、Percoll等密度离心以及蔗糖梯度离心等步骤,将粪便中的杂质去除,获得纯度更高的毕氏肠微孢子虫.同时在纯化的必要环节进行PCR法辅以韦伯氏染色法对获得的样品进行鉴定,从而进一步提高纯化的目的性和准确性.此方法大大提高了所获得毕氏肠微孢子虫的纯度,最高能达到占样品总微生物的15%.比现有报道的9%提高了近1倍.毕氏微孢子虫感染人类和牲畜,严重威胁公共卫生健康.但由于其在体外纯化和繁殖困难,关于它致病机理的研究非常有限.通过此改良方法获得更加纯化的毕氏肠微孢子虫,为开展更多更深入的研究提供了坚实的基础.Abstract: In order to obtain better purified Enterocytozoonbieneusi spores. E.bieneusi spores from the stool samples of diarrhea swine were purified by a combination procedure of continuous mesh sieve filtration, isopycnic Percoll and sucrose gradient centrifugation. PCR and Weber's Chromotrope-based staining analysis were performed to assess the purified samples obtained so as to ensure the accuracy of purification. The results showed that this method greatly improved the purity of the pathogen. The yield of purified E.bieneusi spores was as high as 15%, nearly 1 folds as much as the reported 9%. In conclusion, E.bieneusi is the representative microsporidia which infects both human and livestock, and is a big threat to public health. However the studies about E.bieneusi are very limited, due to the difficulty of purification and propagation in vitro. This modified method dramatically improves the yield of E.bieneusi spores in stool samples, and with the better purified E.bieneusi, investigators would be able to launch more studies of this health-threatening pathogen.
Key words:
- Enterocytozoonbieneusi /
- stool sample /
- purification /
- PCR /
- Weber's Chromotrope-based staining .
表 1 实验中使用的引物
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