水稻机插秧技术在大幅度降低水稻生产劳动强度、提高生产效率的同时,更能稳定提高水稻的单产和效益,是我国特别是南方地区未来水稻种植的主导性技术[1]. 重庆市地处西南丘陵山区,受复杂的稻田耕作制度、自然地理条件等因素影响,目前机插秧技术应用面积仅占全市水稻播种面积的19%左右. 在实际生产中,机插水稻主要在冬闲田及稻菜轮作区推广应用,而在约占全市水稻播种面积40%的稻油轮作区推广难度较大,主要原因在于迟茬田的高产移栽叶龄和每穴基本苗难以掌握,难以实现油菜茬机插稻的高产和稳产. 已有研究表明,机插稻高产的限制因素是群体颖花量,通过增加穗数或增加每穗粒数亦或两者兼之来增加单位面积的颖花量是机插稻高产栽培的主要调控途径. 确定适宜的基本苗数对建立合理的群体起点,构建后期高光效群体,从而实现水稻高产具有非常重要的意义[2]. 钱银飞等[3]研究认为小穗型粳稻品种每穴栽插4苗、中穗型粳稻品种每穴栽插3苗、大穗型粳稻品种每穴栽插2苗较为合理. 宋云生等[4]认为常规粳稻品种大田单穴插植以3~4苗为宜. 吴文革等[5]研究表明杂交中籼稻机插秧适宜的每穴栽插苗数为单穴2苗. 上述研究结果大多是基于小苗移栽的机插稻,而在重庆稻油两熟区,采用中、大苗机插技术是缓解稻油茬口紧张和生长季节的技术措施[6-8]. 然而,关于中、大苗机插水稻物质生产、穗部结构与产量形成的关系尚不清楚,本研究以重庆市水稻主导品种渝香203为材料,开展基于移栽叶龄和穴基本苗的田间试验研究并结合示范验证,旨在明确稻油两熟区机插水稻的高产栽培技术参数,促进机插秧技术在以重庆为代表的西南丘陵多熟制地区大面积推广应用.
Study on the Suitable Leaf Age and Seedling Number per Hill of Machine-Transplanted Rice in a Rice/Rapeseed Rotation System
摘要: 为明确重庆稻油两熟区机插水稻移栽叶龄及穴基本苗的适宜值,以优质水稻品种渝香203为材料,开展了田间试验及示范验证研究. 2016年的田间试验结果表明:不同移栽叶龄处理间,4.5叶龄机插水稻花后干物质积累量较5.5叶龄处理显著增加,其稻谷平均产量为9.4 t/hm2,极显著高于5.5叶龄处理. 不同基本苗数处理间,干物质转运率随每穴基本苗数的增加而增加,产量以每穴2苗的处理较高,但差异无统计学意义. 相关性分析表明:机插水稻产量与每穗粒数、结实率、颖花数、一次枝梗数、二次枝梗数、生物产量、花后干物质积累量、单穗干质量均呈极显著正相关,而与有效穗数、千粒质量、叶面积指数相关性无统计学意义. 各处理组合间,以4.5叶龄机插、每穴2苗的处理产量最高,为9.9 t/hm2. 2017年于永川区大安街道二郎坝村的示范验证结果表明:7.7 hm2的渝香203油菜茬机插水稻示范片在4.5叶龄移栽、每穴2苗的技术条件下,平均产量为9.98 t/hm2,最高产量达到10.6 t/hm2. 因此,稻油两熟地区机插水稻的高产途径为增加花后干物质积累量,主攻大穗,提高每穗粒数和结实率;适宜的移栽叶龄为4.5叶,穴基本苗为2苗.Abstract: In order to determine the suitable transplanting leaf age and seedling number per hill of machine-transplanted rice in a rice/rapeseed rotation system, a field experiment and a demonstration test were conducted using Yuxiang 203, a hybrid indica rice variety, in Chongqing. In 2016, the field experiment results showed that dry matter accumulation after flowering of the treatment of 4.5 leaf age increased significantly compared with the treatment of 5.5 leaf age. The grain yield of 4.5 leaf age was 9.4 t/hm2, significantly higher than that of 5.5 leaf age. Dry matter transportation ratio increased with the increment of seedling number per hill, but there was no significant difference in the grain yield between the treatments of seedling number per hill, and the grain yield of 2 seedlings per hill was the highest in all of treatments. The correlation analysis showed that grains per panicle, spikelet fertility, spikelets, the number of primary branches, the number of secondary branches, biomass production, dry matter accumulation after flowering and dry weight per panicle were significantly positively correlated with grain yield, while effective panicle number, 1000-grain weight and leaf area index were not significantly correlated with grain yield. The grain yield of the treatment with 2 seedlings per hill and 4.5 leaf age was 9.9 t/hm2, which was the highest in all the treatments. In 2017, an investigation of yield of machine-transplanted rice of Yuxiang 203 was carried out in the fields with an acreage of 7.7 located in Yongchuan, Chongqing. In these fields, the seedlings of 4.5 leaf age was transplanted by machine with 2 seedlings per hill, the average grain yield was 9.98 t/hm2, and the highest was 10.6 t/hm2. These results suggested that the high yield approach of machine-transplanted rice in a rice/rapeseed rotation system was to increase the photosynthetic material production after flowering, improve the quality per panicle and increase the number of grains per panicle and spikelet fertility, and that 2 seedlings per hill with 4.5 leaf age was suitable for mechanical transplanting indica hybrid rice.
Key words:
- rice/rapeseed rotation system /
- machine-transplanted rice /
- leaf age /
- seedling number per hill /
- grain yield .
表 1 不同移栽叶龄和穴基本苗数的稻谷产量及产量构成要素
处理 有效穗/
%4.5叶龄 1苗 191.9a 215.2a 41.3a 28.8a 80.5a 9.5a 56.0a 2苗 199.8a 213.0a 42.5a 28.9a 80.9a 9.9a 55.9a 3苗 187.7a 200.0a 37.6a 28.7a 82.2a 8.9a 55.1a 平均 193.2 209.2 40.2 28.9 81.2 9.4 55.8 5.5叶龄 1苗 193.8ab 200.3a 38.8a 29.0a 73.2b 8.2 a 53.5a 2苗 199.8a 197.4a 39.3a 28.8a 73.2b 8.3a 55.3a 3苗 183.2b 185.6a 33.9b 28.6a 77.8a 7.5a 52.0a 平均 192.3 194.5 37.4 28.8 74.8 8.0 53.7 方差分析 叶龄(L) 0.6 9.0* 6.9* 0.1 27.9** 22.0** 2.2 苗数(S) 5.0* 3.4 7.2** 0.5 2.7 3.2 0.7 L×S 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.7 0.1 0.3 注:表中同列数据后小写字母不同表示差异有统计学意义;*表示p<0.05,**表示p<0.01,差异有统计学意义. 表 2 不同移栽叶龄和穴基本苗数的水稻穗部性状
处理 穗长/cm 单穗干质量/g 一次枝梗数/个 二次枝梗数/个 4.5叶龄 1苗 29.62a 4.68a 10.8a 42.1a 2苗 29.12a 4.84a 10.8a 40.6a 3苗 29.30a 4.55a 10.7a 37.0a 平均 29.35 4.69 10.8 39.9 5.5叶龄 1苗 27.93a 4.02a 10.9a 38.0a 2苗 28.77a 3.99a 10.8a 38.6a 3苗 28.43a 3.85a 10.5a 35.7a 平均 28.38 3.95 10.7 37.4 方差分析 叶龄(L) 4.2 39.6** 0.2 2.2 苗数(S) 0.1 0.5 1.2 2.0 L×S 0.7 0.2 0.3 0.3 注:表中同列数据后小写字母不同表示差异有统计学意义;*表示p<0.05,**表示p<0.01,差异有统计学意义. 表 3 不同移栽叶龄和穴基本苗数的群体干物质积累与转运
处理 干物质积累量/(t·hm-2) 花后干物质积累量/
%抽穗期HS 成熟期MS 4.5叶龄 1苗 9.4a 17.1a 7.7a 13.9a 2苗 9.8a 17.9a 8.1a 15.5a 3苗 9.4a 16.1a 6.7b 19.3a 平均 9.5 17.0 7.5 16.2 5.5叶龄 1苗 9.3a 15.4a 6.1a 17.6a 2苗 8.9a 15.0a 6.1a 20.8a 3苗 9.7a 14.5a 4.8b 22.9a 平均 9.3 15.0 5.7 20.4 方差分析 叶龄(L) 0.4 17.0** 45.9** 5.7* 苗数(S) 0.1 1.9 9.4** 3.2 L×S 0.7 0.7 0.2 0.1 注:表中同列数据后小写字母不同表示差异有统计学意义;*表示p<0.05,**表示p<0.01,差异有统计学意义. 表 4 产量构成要素和群体质量指标与稻谷产量的相关分析
指标类别 指标名称 与稻谷产量的相关系数 产量构成要素 有效穗数 0.431 每穗粒数 0.880** 千粒质量 0.109 结实率 0.607** 群体质量指标 颖花数 0.871** 一次枝梗数 0.594** 二次枝梗数 0.751** 叶面积指数(LAI) 0.428 生物产量 0.897** 花后干物质积累量 0.852** 单穗干质量 0.860** -
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