目前LLE(局部线性嵌入)算法[1-2]广泛地应用于图像分类与目标识别问题中[3],但经典的LLE算法难以学习多个流形[4-8].本文在文献[9]的LLE算法的基础上,设计了基于LLE的多流形学习方法,通过局部非线性、多流形的方法学习并保留数据集的类结构.假设一个向量数据集为x1,x2,…,xN,ε是一个正实数,k是一个正整数,N(xi)表示xi的近邻点,包含了与xi距离最近的k个向量,即:对于每个xj∈N(xi),其欧式距离‖ xi- xj‖小于ε,将数据样本xi线性地表示为N(xi)中的近邻点.通过最小化(1)式计算权重值{wij}xj∈N(xi):
$\notin $ N(xi),则wij=0.可将(1)式转换为:ε2=[xi-$\sum\limits_{j = 1}^k {} $ wij xj]2=[$\sum\limits_{j = 1}^k {} $ wij(xi-xj)]2=$\sum\limits_{jk} {} $ wijwik Gjk,式中Gjk=(xi- xj)T(xi-xk)是局部Gram矩阵,其中xj,xk∈N(xi).使用拉格朗日乘法计算重构权重${w_{ij}} = \frac{{\sum\nolimits_k {\mathit{\boldsymbol{G}}_{jk}^{-1}} }}{{\sum\nolimits_{lm} {\mathit{\boldsymbol{G}}_{lm}^{-1}} }}$ ,使用重构权重搜索d维的向量y1,y2,…,yn∈$\mathbb{R}$ d,这些向量定义了$\mathbb{R}$ d中原数据集的d维嵌入,其中d < D,通过最小化(2)式可获得d维的向量.其中
式中:W是n×n的权重矩阵,mN×N=(I- Wn×n)T(I - Wn×n),Yi均正交.使用拉格朗日乘法计算最优解:
用(4)式对Yk(k=1,2,…,d)求导,YkTm-λkYkT=0则说明了mYk=λkYk,{λk}为m的特征值,{Yk}则是对应的特征向量.通过搜索m底部的特征向量可将E2(Y)最小化. Y0T的一个特征值为λ0=0,所以应当获得m底部的d+1个特征值及其特征向量,然后忽略Y0.
A Tracking Algorithm of Surveillance Video Based on Enhanced Multi-Manifold Learning
摘要: 提出了一种多流形局部线性嵌入的流形学习算法,为每个类的流形学习过程设计了一种监督的近邻点选择方法,将流形-流形距离作为度量指标,搜索最优的低维空间.在视频追踪算法中对外部数据库进行图像训练预处理,为人脸检测建立级联分类器,利用均值粒子滤波器结合跟踪校正策略对人脸图像实时跟踪,采用多流形训练的结果从视频流的人脸集中检测出追踪的目标人脸.仿真实验结果表明本算法对不同的数据集均获得了较高的检测率与较高的计算效率.Abstract: The traditional manifold learning algorithms cannot preserve the structure of individual manifolds during multi-class-multi-manifold learning problems, and have obvious influence to the performance of multi-classes identification problems, thus a manifold learning algorithm of multi-manifold locally linear embedding has been proposed. A supervised neighborhood selection method has been designed by this multi-manifold learning algorithm for the manifold learning procedure of each class, and the distances of manifold to manifold have been set as the metric to search the optimal low dimensional space. Image training preprocess of external database has been realized during the video tracking algorithm, the cascade classifier has been constructed for face detection, and the mean particle filter combined with tracking correction strategy has been adopted for real-time tracking of face images, the results of multi-manifold learning training are used to identify the target faces from the face set of video stream. Simulation experiments are implemented based on the large scale video datasets, the results show that the proposed algorithm realizes a high detection accuracy and a high computational efficiency to different video datasets.
Key words:
- manifold learning /
- locally linear embedding /
- surveillance video /
- target detection /
- target tracking /
- dimensional reduction .
表 算法1 基于局部线性嵌入的多流形学习算法
1.读取数据集X={X1,X2,…,XN}; 2.FOREACH数据分类Cq IN X DO 3. FOREACH数据点xi IN Cq DO 4.搜索kq个近邻点Nε,kq(xi); 5.通过最小化(1)式计算权重wij; 6.搜索权重矩阵W,每个元素的权重为wij; 7.ENDFOR 8.ENDFOR 9.搜索N×N稀疏矩阵F=(I-W)T(I-W); 10.设置d=1,MinDist=0; 11./*迭代地运行以下子程序直至不同分类之间的流形距离最小化*/ 12.WHILE(MinDist < εmmd & & d < N) DO 13.从M个特征向量中搜索d+1个最小特征向量构成集合Y,忽略最小的特征向量; 14. /*从Y中搜索流形嵌入坐标Yq*/ 15.设置initialLength=0; 16. FOREACH数据类Xq IN X DO 17. Yq=Y((initialLength+1),(initialLength+length(Xq))); 18. initialLength=initialLength+length(Xq); 19. ENDFOR 20./*计算流形与流形之间的距离*/ 21. FOREACH Yq,Yr IN Y DO 22.根据定义6搜索D(Yq,Yr); 23. ENDFOR 24./*搜索流形之间的最小距离*/ 25.搜索最小距离:MinDist=min(D(Yq,Yr)); 26. d=d+1; 27. ENDWHILE 表 1 视频识别算法对YTC数据集与COX数据集的识别率/%
视频检测算法 YTC COX12 COX13 COX23 COX21 COX31 COX32 MaxMD 52.6 36.4 19.6 8.9 27.6 19.1 9.6 CDL 69.7 78.4 85.3 79.7 75.6 85.8 81.9 LMKML 70.3 66.0 71.0 56.0 74.0 68.0 60.0 SGM 52.0 26.7 14.3 12.4 26.0 19.0 10.3 GMM 61.0 30.1 24.6 13.0 28.9 31.7 18.9 本算法 73.3 95.1 96.3 94.2 92.3 95.4 94.5 表 2 目标检测算法的计算时间/s
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