近百年来,人工气象观测是各种气象资料的主要来源,记录了较长时期的气象资料,数据质量得到了认可.随着软、硬件技术的成熟,我国2 300多个地面气象站已全部采用自动气象观测系统,与传统的地面气象观测相比,自动观测系统的观测仪器、设备及方法均发生了很大的变化.在人工观测中,当气温在-10 ℃以上,使用百叶箱干湿球,自1954年以来,全国统一改用前苏联小型百叶箱干湿球温度表系数作为干湿表A值,由于其比我国实际的A值偏小,从而测出来的相对湿度系统误差略偏大;而在-10 ℃以下时,用毛发湿度表或湿度计(经订正图订正)测湿,误差则相对较大[1-2].自动观测中,全程测湿均使用了湿敏电容,当相对湿度在80%以下时测湿性能表现较好,但在80%以上时出现了非线性,使用时需要先进行校正[3].大量研究已证明[4-7],电容性的湿度传感器测量相对湿度时,其准确度较依赖于周围大气的温度和相对湿度,例如冰面附近相对湿度的测量,基本上均处于100%.
观测系统的变化导致观测结果之间的差异是不可避免的[8].余君等[9]、樊丝慧等[10]分别对全国17个国家基准站和滨海县气象站的相对湿度自动观测与人工观测进行对比发现,高温、高湿条件下,相对湿度的自动观测值偏干较明显.从气候学观点来看,这种差异可能会在均一性数据集的研发及极端天气事件的分析时出现误差甚至严重的错误[11],所以对两种观测仪器所获取的资料进行系统的对比分析是必要的. Wijngaarden等[12]利用回归模型检验了台站仪器换型和观测程序改变对加拿大75个站年平均、季节平均相对湿度的均一性的影响,结果表明二者虽没有造成比湿的非均一性,但仪器换型使得大部分台站的相对湿度减小;朱亚妮等[13]利用PMTred和PMFT方法在对中国2 400多个国家级地面站1951—2014年月平均相对湿度进行均一性检验及订正时发现,人工观测转自动观测是造成序列非均一的一个重要原因,且由此产生的断点占总断点数的59.6%.
Comparative Analysis of Relative Humidity between Automatic and Mannul Observations under Different Weather Conditions
摘要: 自2000年以来,相对湿度等常规气象要素的人工观测逐渐被自动观测所取代,为了了解两者具体的偏差情况,文章选取全国8个长期保留人工观测的国家基准站2007—2014年的相对湿度平行观测资料对其多年平均偏差、偏差标准差等进行了统计分析,并详细分析对比差值在不同气温、湿度及风速条件下的差异特征.研究发现,大多数站点的自动观测与人工观测相比,两者有一定的“系统偏差”,相对湿度的自动观测存在偏干的现象,年平均在4%以内,但两者的稳定性较好.低温条件下,两种观测的对比差值最大,高温次之,中等温度条件下,二者之间的差值较小.相对湿度小于80%时,两者的差均为正,自动观测相对湿度偏干,整体差异不大,最大在7%左右.相对湿度35%时差异达到最大,之后该较大差值一直持续到90%左右,差异变化不明显,相对湿度达到95%以后差异明显减小甚至为负;风速对两种观测对比差值的影响比气温、相对湿度的影响小,随着风速的增加,两者之间的差异减小,整体差异基本以正值为主,人工观测的相对湿度值更大一些.Abstract: From 2000, the manual observations was been replacing by auto weather station which was used in past several decades. About 8 observation stations from 2007 to 2014 were selected, they were analyzed in detail by means of computing the multi-year mean deviation and standard deviation of bias. The results show that there is systematic deviations between automatic and mannul observation in most stations, the magnitude of mannul observation is usually greater than auto weather station, about 4%, but the stability of the two observation is good. At low temperature, the bias between the two observations is the largest, followed by high temperature, and the difference between the mannul and the automatic observation is minimal in medium temperature conditions. When the relative humidity is less than 80%, the difference between the two observation is positive, automatic observation of relative humidity is dry, the maximum is about 7% or so. The bias achieves the maximum when relative humidity is 35%, and the larger bias has continued to 90% or so, after a relative humidity of 95% bias was significantly reduced or even negative. The effect of wind speed on the bias of two observation is smaller than that of air temperature and relative humidity. With the increase of wind speed, the bias between the two observation is reduced, the bias is basically positive, and the relative humidity value of the mannul observation is larger.
Key words:
- automatic observation /
- manual observation /
- relative humidity /
- comparative analysis .
表 1 相对湿度人工观测与自动观测的相关系数
站号 相关系数 站号 相关系数 阿勒泰 0.98 格尔木 0.97 张北 0.99 银川 0.99 长春 0.99 贵阳 0.98 寿县 0.99 电白 0.98 -
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