Study on Synergistic Effect of Microbial Agents and Different Organic Fertilizers on Tobacco Bacterial Wilt Control
摘要: 四川省凉山州德昌县是烟草青枯病发生典型区域,烟草青枯病的发生对该地区烟叶产质量造成极大的影响.本研究旨在探究微生物菌剂与不同有机肥协同施用对烟草生长和青枯病的影响.结果表明,根茎康复合菌剂和猪粪有机肥、当地有机肥混合处理和牛粪有机肥混合处理均能显著提升烟株的长势,主要表现为烟株株高、茎围、有效叶数较空白对照显著提升.同时,根茎康复合菌剂和3种有机肥混合施用均对青枯病具有明显的控制效果,整体防效在47%以上,其中猪粪、当地有机肥、牛粪有机肥拌菌对烟草青枯病的最高防效分别达到83.33%,80.00%和73.33%,但3种有机肥之间并无显著性差异.Abstract: Tobacco bacterial wilt is one of the mostrepresentative and destructive soil-borne disease on tobacco plants in Dechang county of Sichuan province.In a field experiment conducted in Dechang,we evaluated the effects of Genjingkang,a microbiome,mixed with different organic fertilizers on the growth of tobacco plants and bacterial wilt. The results demonstrated that mixtures of Genjngkang with pig manure,local organic manure or cattle manure could control the occurrence of bacterial wilt disease and promote the growth of tobacco plants. The treatment of Genjingkang + pig manure gave the best result,itscontrol efficiency being as high as 83.33%. The highest control efficiency of the treatments Genjingkang + local organic manure and Genjingkang + cattle manure was 80.00%and 73.33%,respectively.
Key words:
- tobacco bacterial wilt /
- microbial agent /
- organic fertilizer /
- disease control efficiency .
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