Study on Effect of Different Application Methods on Control of Tobacco Root-knot Nematode Disease
摘要: 根结线虫病是烟草上一种重要的土传病害,目前烟叶生产上亟需有效的病害防控方法.本研究通过田间小区试验探究两种药剂的3种不同施用方式对烟草根结线虫病的影响效果,旨在明确不同药剂防控烟草根结线虫病的较优施药方式,以提高防治效率和效果、维护生态环境.结果表明,两种药剂的3种不同施用方式对烟草根结线虫病均有较好的防控效果,阿维菌素受施用方式影响较小,移栽窝施或灌根处理对烟草根结线虫的防效均较佳,约为53.00%~71.06%;厚孢轮枝菌受施用方式影响较大,移栽灌根处理对烟草根结线虫病的防效可达53.27%,但移栽窝施处理防效仅为15.83%.因此,针对降雨少、土壤含水量低的烟区,采用微生物菌剂防控烟草根结线虫病时,可选择灌根窝施或施用后应及时补充土壤水分的处理方式,以提高药剂/菌剂利用率和病害防控效果,而化学药剂施用后也应及时补充土壤水分,实现药剂的减量增效.本研究为根结线虫病的防控提供了有效参考.Abstract: Tobacco root-knot nematode is one of the most important soil-born tobacco diseases in southwest of China, especially in Liangshan area of Sichuan Province. In this research, we evaluated the effects of three kinds of application methods with two kinds of agents on control of tobacco root-knot nematode disease with different treatment time in the field. The purpose of this study was to clarify the optimal application methods for different pesticides to prevent and control tobacco root-knot nematode, so as to improve the control efficiency and effect, and maintain the ecological environment. The results showed that all kinds of application methods with two agents could control the occurrence of tobacco nematode disease and promote the growth of tobacco plants. The control efficiency of abamectin was not obviously affected by the application method. The control efficiencies were ranged from 53.00%~71.06%. The control efficiency of Verticillium chlamydosporium was significantly affected by the application method. The control efficiencies by root-irrigation and pit application were 53.27% and 15.83%. Therefore, we suggested that for areas with less rainfall and low soil water content, control of tobacco root knot nematode disease by microbial agents should supplement the water in time to improve the utilization of agents and the effect of disease control. After the application of chemical agents, soil water should be replenished in time to reduce the usage of chemical and increase the efficiency. This study could provide an effective reference for the control of root knot nematode disease.
Key words:
- tobacco root-knot nematodes /
- disease control /
- chemical control /
- bio-control /
- application methods .
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