Preliminary Study on the Control Effect of Different Seed Treatment Agents on Rice Diseases and Insect Pests
摘要: 为打破农药减量控害瓶颈,寻求水稻病虫害综合防控新途径,本研究通过田间试验,明确了不同剂量、不同种类药剂复配拌种对水稻穗前病虫害的控制效果.结果表明,采用240 g/L噻呋酰胺悬浮剂40 mL或10%嘧菌酯CS 160 mL+48%噻虫胺SC 16 mL或10%三氟苯嘧啶SC 16 mL+200 g/L氯虫苯甲酰胺SC 20 mL或10%四氯虫酰胺SC 20 g药剂复配拌种处理,对水稻纹枯病和稻飞虱具有较好的控制效果,水稻破口期纹枯病的病株防效和病指防效分别为77.58%, 76.94%和78.62%, 77.24%,稻飞虱的防治效果分别为80.7%和85.96%,对稻纵卷叶螟防控效果一般,水稻穗期虫口防效和保叶效果分别为70.97%, 67.74%和75.07, 69.23%,且种子处理药剂对水稻生长安全,可作为一项农药减量控害技术措施大面积推广使用.Abstract: In order to break the bottleneck of pesticide reduction in pests control, and seek a new way of comprehensive prevention and control of rice diseases and insect pests, this study defined the control effect of different doses and different kinds of chemical compound of seed dressing on rice diseases and insect pests before heading through field experiments. The results showed that seed dressing with 40 mL of 240 g/L thiafuramide suspension (SC) or 160 mL of 10% azoxystrobin CS + 16 mL of 48% thiamethoxam SC or 16 mL of 10% trifluoromethylpyrimidine SC + 20 mL of 200 g/L chloramphetamine SC or 20 g of 10% tetrachloromethyl SC had a good control effect on rice sheath blight and rice planthopper. The control effects of diseased plant and disease index on rice sheath blight at boot break stage were 77.58%, 76.94% and 78.62%, 77.24%, respectively. The control effect on rice planthopper was 80.7% and 85.96%, respectively. The control effect on rice leaf roller was not significant. The control effect onpest population and leaf protection at rice panicle exsertionstage were 70.97%, 67.74%, 75.07 and 69.23%, respectively. Moreover, the seed treatment agent was safe for rice growth, and could be widely used as a technical measure for pesticide reduction.
Key words:
- seed treatment /
- rice diseases and insect pests /
- prevention and control effect .
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