The Sunk-Time Effect in Daily Decisions Makings
摘要: 本研究以大学生和职场人士为对象, 探讨了日常决策中时间沉没成本效应及其影响因素。研究一采用2×2的因子式设计, 探讨了成本类型与有无对人们决策选择中沉没成本效应的影响, 发现在决策选择时人们更关注已经付出成本, 而成本类型的主效应不显著, 但二者的交互作用显著。研究二进一步操纵实际情景, 采用2×2的因子式设计探讨时间成本大小和努力程度对决策选择的影响, 不仅验证了行为决策中时间的沉没成本效应, 而且证明它受时间成本大小和个体努力程度的影响。这些结果对理解时间沉没成本效应及影响因素提供了新的证据。Abstract: We conducted two studies to explore the potential for a sunk-cost effect in the realm of time in daily decisions. In Study 1, we conducted a 2(type of Sunk-cost) by 2 (Sunk-cost or no) between subjects design and a sunk-time effect was observed. When making decisions, people paid more attention to the cost already sunk and the interaction became statistically signi? cant while the main effect was not. In Study 2, we conducted a "2x2" design with a different manipulation of effort. The results not only support the conclusion drawn from Study 1, but also indicatethat the sunk-time effect depends upon high time-cost and effort.The present research extends the literature and provides further support for the importance of studying in the sunk-cost effect.
表 1 不同情境中被试的行为决策选择得分
有无沉没成本 成本类型 M SD N 无沉没成本 金钱 1.54 1.29 27 时间 1.75 1.70 26 有沉没成本 金钱 3.79 2.40 28 时间 2.27 1.64 27 表 2 不同时间沉没成本和努力程度情境下的决策选择
时间沉没成本 努力程度 M SD N 成本小 低 3.69 2.172 45 高 4.72 2.125 53 成本大 低 4.45 2.241 53 高 5.31 1.800 48 -
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