On Engels' Political View in his Later Years and Its Enlightenment
摘要: 恩格斯晚年从经济史、人类史和唯物史观视角探讨政治、经济和意识形态的辩证关系,从一定社会经济生活的物质动因中去寻求政治事件的发生及其本质。他用劳动者的眼光审视政治生活的德性基础,用历史眼光审视政治在人类历史进程中的应有作用,将政治置于人类文明演变的历史进程中,揭示政治嵌入社会经济结构的历史现实逻辑,指明政治回归真正共同体生活的现实道路,从经济、阶级、公共性等多重视角审视政治的社会本质。恩格斯晚年的政治观内含一种广义的政治正义,致力于探索无产阶级政党、国家与人民有机统一的社会主义民主政治组织形式,其晚年关于政治本质的思考丰富了马克思主义政党和国家学说,为洞悉现代社会政治现象的本质提供了独具特色的世界观和方法论,并为推动社会主义政治文明建设提供了诸多现实启示。Abstract: In his later years, Engels explored the dialectical relationship among politics, economy and ideology from the perspectives of economic history, human history and historical materialism, to find out the occurrence and essence of political events from the material causes of certain social and economic life. Engels sought for moral foundation of political life from the perspective of workers and understood the role of politics from the points of human history. Engels put politics in the historical process of human civilization evolution, revealed the logic of political reality embedded historical reality of social economic structure, pointed out the actual road of real political community and the social nature of the politics from multiple perspectives, such as economy, class and publicity. His political view in his later years had a kind of generalized political justice in his attempt to explore socialist democratic politics organization in the unity of proletariat political party, country and people. Engels' political view in his later years enriched the theory of Marxist political party and country, which provided us with an insight into the nature of modern social political phenomenon with unique world outlook and methodology and offered practical implications for the construction of socialist political civilization.
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