美国教师教育者协会(Association of Teacher Educators,ATE)成立于1920年,至今已有100年的历史。目前,该协会已有近1 300名教师教育者会员,代表着650多所大学和学院以及500多个主要学区和众多地方教育行政部门[1]。作为一个专业性很强的学术团体,美国教师教育者协会不仅积极参与了国家层面有关教师教育的讨论和相关政策的制定,而且通过举办年会、创建工作坊及创办特色刊物和搭建研究平台等,积极引领美国教师教育者的理论研究和专业发展方向。
The Philosophy and Practice of Association of Teacher Educators in United States
摘要: 以美国教师教育者协会(Association of Teacher Educators, ATE)为研究对象, 梳理、分析、探究其历史沿革、使命定位和运行模式。研究发现, 该协会成立百年来的发展历程大致可划分为诞生、发展和巩固繁荣三个阶段。协会有着明确的使命定位——培养高质量教师、倡导合理评估标准、关注教育公平、发展合作伙伴关系、加强职前职后联系、促进多元教师发展, 并通过召开年会和研讨会、定期出版年鉴与专业期刊以及与内外部机构协调合作等, 有效地维持了协会的良好运行、激发了协会的内部活力。ATE成立至今, 以其独特的理念和实践活动, 对美国教师教育者的专业发展和教师教育的质量提升产生了重要影响。Abstract: This study focuses on Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) in United States and discusses its historical development, vision and mission, and operation mode. This study found that the development of the association has experienced three stages in the 100-year development: birth, development and prosperity. Meanwhile, the association clearly defines its vision and mission, holds meetings and publishes journals regularly, and cooperates between internal and external institutions, which maintain the operation and vitality of the association. It has exerted positive impact on the individual growth of teacher educators and the development of teacher education in the United States.
表 1 ATE的目标及其实现路径[10]
目标 路径 为教师教育者提供专业成长机会 (1)参与协会会议(participation in meetings of the association); (2)展现领导才能(leadership opportunities); (3)准备出版物和其他媒介(preparation of publications and other media); (4)获取出版物和其他媒介(access to publications and other media); (5)加强与其他教师教育者的联系(personal association with other teacher educators); (6)发展个人道德标准(development of personal and ethical standards) 推动教师教育优质项目发展 (1)准备并宣传创意、实践和项目(preparing and disseminating ideas,practices and programs); (2)推动、发起并参与项目的开发和研究(promoting,initiating,and engaging in program development and research); (3)通过以下方式为教师教育者提供增强领导力的机会:发布意见书(issuing position papers)、制定卓越的专业发展指南(developing guidelines for excellence in professional preparation)、帮助制定并促进州及国家的法律法规(helping frame and promote state and national legislation,rules,and regulations); (4)开展与其他教育机构、组织和院校的合作(cooperating with other educational agencies,organizations and institutions); (5)通过以下方式协调教师教育相关组织:参与对话(engage in dialogue),在出版物、管理和研究等方面开展合作(cooperate in services - publications,administration,and research),通过合作行动制定教育政策(develop educational policy through collaborative action) -
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