The Relationship between Selfie Editing and Cosmetic Surgery Consideration among Female College Students: The Roles of Facial Dissatisfaction and Self-compassion
摘要: 为探讨自拍照编辑与女大学生整容意愿的关系以及相貌不满意的中介作用和自我同情的调节作用,采用自拍照编辑问卷、整容手术接纳量表、相貌不满意量表和自我同情量表对606名在校女大学生进行施测. 结果发现:①自拍照编辑显著正向预测女大学生整容意愿;②相貌不满意在自拍照编辑对女大学生整容意愿的影响中起中介作用;③自我同情调节自拍照编辑与相貌不满意之间的关系,与低自我同情的女大学生相比,自拍照编辑对高自我同情的女大学生相貌不满意的影响更小. 结果表明,自拍照编辑会通过提升相貌不满意来增强整容意愿,而自我同情会削弱自拍照编辑对相貌不满意的影响.Abstract: In order to examine the relationship between selfie editing and cosmetic surgery consideration among female college students, as well as the mediating role of facial dissatisfaction and the moderating role of self-compassion, a total of 606 female college students were recruited to complete a list of questionnaires regarding selfie editing, facial dissatisfaction, cosmetic surgery consideration and self-compassion. The results showed that: ① Selfie editing significantly and positively predicted the cosmetic surgery consideration. ② Facial dissatisfaction mediated the relationship between selfie editing and cosmetic surgery consideration. ③ Self-compassion moderated the relationship between selfie editing and facial dissatisfaction. Compared with female college students with low self-compassion, selfie editing has less influence on the facial dissatisfaction of female college students with high self-compassion. The study indicates that selfie editing can increase female college students' willingness to undergo cosmetic surgery by improving facial dissatisfaction, while self-compassion could weaken the influence of selfie editing on facial dissatisfaction.
表 1 各变量的描述统计及相关分析结果(N=606)
变量 M SD 范围 1 2 3 4 5 1社交媒体使用强度 3.76 0.62 1.67~5 1 2自拍照编辑 3.21 1.02 1~5 0.22** 1 3整容意愿 2.55 1.53 0~6 0.14** 0.25** 1 4相貌不满意 1.21 0.67 0~4 0.12** 0.28** 0.46** 1 5自我同情 3.33 0.51 1.45~4.67 -0.06 -0.14** -0.18 -0.45** 6年龄 20.00 1.16 16~25岁 0.04 0.08* 0.03 0.02 0.02 注:* p<0.05水平上差异有统计学意义;** p<0.01水平上差异有统计学意义. 表 2 有调节的中介模型检验
变量 方程1:整容意愿 方程2:相貌不满意 方程3:整容意愿 方程4:相貌不满意 b SE t b SE t b SE t b SE t 自拍照编辑 0.24 0.04 5.51*** 0.26 0.04 6.36*** 0.12 0.04 3.13** 0.21 0.04 5.49*** 相貌不满意 0.42 0.03 12.16*** 自我同情 -0.42 0.04 -11.85*** 自拍照编辑×自我同情 -0.10 0.04 -2.68** R2 0.07 0.08 0.23 0.26 F 19.48 25.08 73.02 43.78 注:* p<0.05水平上差异有统计学意义;** p<0.01水平上差异有统计学意义;*** p<0.001水平上差异有统计学意义. 各变量采用标准化处理后带入回归方程,社交媒体使用强度作为控制变量. -
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