Reflection and Prospect on the Policies of Rural Teachers in China since the 21st Century
Abstract:Teachers are the first resource for the development of education. The Communist Party of China and the Chinese government have been paying great attention to rural teachers' development and have promulgated a series of policies. Since the start of the new century, the rural teacher policy documents in China has highlighted a certain value trend. Based on the analysis of policy documents, this paper explores the practical difficulties in the implementation of rural teacher policy in China, such as insufficient social support system for rural teacher development, the unidirectional flow of urban and rural teachers, and homogeneity of the pre-teacher service trainings. Based on this, the policies for rural teachers should be aimed at cultivating rural pre-service teachers' local feelings in policy design, speeding up the integrated training mechanism of rural pre-career and post-career teacher education gradually in policy formulation, enhancing the integration of urban and rural education process in policy support and improving the social support system of rural teacher development in policy guarantee.
Key words:
- rural education /
- teacher education /
- policy /
- equity /
- universality /
- developmental education .
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