The Impact of Mindsets on Emotional well-being of College Students: A Chain Mediating Model of Perceived Stress and Resilience
摘要: 采用积极心理学的方法改善个体的情绪健康是当前教育研究热点。作为一种积极的心理品质,个体思维模式影响情绪健康的内部机制尚未明朗。本研究以大学生为研究对象,运用成长型思维量表、压力知觉量表、心理韧性量表、幸福感和焦虑问卷探讨思维模式对情绪的作用机制。结果发现:个体的成长型思维正向预测幸福感; 且成长型思维通过预测压力知觉和心理韧性及压力知觉→心理韧性的链式中介作用间接预测幸福感和焦虑。研究结果揭示了思维模式作用于情绪的内部机制,为未来从培养大学生的成长型思维角度提升其情绪健康提供参考。Abstract: Using positive psychology to improve individuals' emotional well-being is a hot topic in current educational research. As a kind of positive psychological quality, the internal mechanism of individuals' mindsets influencing emotional well-being is not clear. In order to answer this question, college students were recruited in this study to complete the Growth Mindset Scale, Perceived Stress Scale, Connor-Davidson Resilience, Oxford Happiness Questionnaire and State-trait Anxiety Inventory. The results showed the correlations among individuals' mindsets, happiness and anxiety. Growth mindset can influence happiness directly. Moreover, growth mindset can also influence happiness and anxiety indirectly through perceived stress, resilience and a chain mediator of perceived stress and resilience. To sum up, mindsets can influence different kinds of emotions among college students, and perceived stress and resilience play the chain mediating effect in it. These findings contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms underlying the association between mindsets and emotions, and have important implications for improving emotional well-being from the point of growth mindset cultivation among college students.
Key words:
- mindsets /
- happiness /
- anxiety /
- perceived stress /
- resilience /
- college students .
表 1 各变量的平均数、标准差和相关系数
M SD 1 2 3 4 5 1.成长型思维 31.84 4.05 — 2.压力知觉 26.19 6.46 -0.27** — 3.心理韧性 131.90 16.53 0.25** -0.58** — 4.幸福感 122.78 17.81 0.32** -0.64** 0.73** — 5.焦虑 40.87 9.10 -0.21** 0.58** -0.48** -0.64** — 注:*p < 0.05,**p < 0.01,***p < 0.001,以下同 表 2 中介效应检验结果
因变量 中介路径 效应值 95%置信区间 下限 上限 幸福感 成长型思维→压力知觉→幸福感 0.08 0.04 0.13 成长型思维→心理韧性→幸福感 0.06 0.002 0.11 成长型思维→压力知觉→心理韧性→幸福感 0.08 0.04 0.12 焦虑 成长型思维→压力知觉→焦虑 -0.12 -0.18 -0.07 成长型思维→心理韧性→焦虑 -0.02 -0.05 -0.001 成长型思维→压力知觉→心理韧性→焦虑 -0.03 -0.06 -0.01 -
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