Six Principles of Teacher's Professional Development
摘要: 教师专业发展是教师的专业素质与专业化程度不断提高的活动过程。教师专业发展涉及价值、主体、内容、进程、环境和路径等基本问题。基于对教师专业发展实践和相关研究成果的考察与梳理,提出教师专业发展六个原理,作为对以上基本问题的回应。教师专业发展的六个原理包括双重价值原理、自主发展原理、全面发展原理、持续发展原理、生态发展原理和"经验+反思"原理。这些原理对教师教育和教师专业发展具有指导意义。Abstract: Teacher's professional development is a process during which teacher's professional quality and professionalization are improved gradually. Teacher's professional development involves the basic issues about value, subject, content, process, context and path. Based on the investigation and analysis of teacher's professional development practice and related research, six principles are summarized as a response to the basic issues mentioned above. The six principles include the "Double Value" "Independent Development" "All-round Development" "Sustainable Development" "Ecological Development" and "Experience + Reflection". These principles can be instructive for teacher education and teachers' professional development.
Key words:
- teacher /
- professional development /
- professional quality /
- teacher education /
- principle .
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