Cross-cultural Coursesin Teacher Education in the United States of America and Canada and Their Implications
摘要: 在经济全球化、文化多元化的时代,不同民族、不同国家之间的合作与交流日益频繁,培养具备全球意识和跨文化能力的公民已成为国际教育领域的热点话题。作为承担培养国际性人才这一重任的教师,自身必须具备良好的跨文化素养,必须努力提高跨文化沟通与合作能力。因此,如何培养职前教师的跨文化能力已成为各国高校教师教育的重要议题。基于这一背景,美国和加拿大部分高校为职前教师提供了一系列跨文化课程。这些课程主要包括多元文化课程、跨文化社区体验课程以及海外实习课程,旨在帮助职前教师获取丰富的跨文化知识与体验,提高其在多元文化环境中任教的能力。这些跨文化课程为我国的教师教育提供了借鉴。Abstract: In the era of globalization and cultural diversity, the cooperation and exchanges between different nations and countries are becoming more and more frequent.The cultivation of citizens with global awareness and cross-cultural competence has become a hot topic in the field of international education.As teacher sassume the responsibilities of cultivating international talents, they are expected to be equipped with good cross-cultural competence and strive to improve the ability of cross-cultural communication and cooperation. Hence how to cultivate pre-service teachers' cross-cultural awareness and competence has become the focus of Teacher Education in colleges and universities all over the world.Against this background, some universities in the United States of America and Canada provide pre-service teachers with a series of cross-cultural courses, mainly including multicultural courses, community-based experiences and overseas programs, aiming to help prospective teachers acquire rich cross-cultural knowledge and experiences and improve their ability to teach in a multicultural environment.These cross-cultural courses are valuable for pre-service teacher education in China.
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