Discussion on Postgraduate Education Based on Research Trends and Talent Demand Analysis: A Case Study of Traffic Engineering Discipline in University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
摘要: 研究生教育是建设高水平大学的重要环节,上海理工大学针对交通学科在国家发展中的重大需求,在分析世界交通学科学术领域总体趋势以及国内用人单位人才需求的基础上,结合交通工程的交叉学科特征和上海理工大学实际情况,从重构学科设置、注重学术交流及合作、加强实验室建设和拓展企业联合培养四个方面提出了优化措施,全面提升了交通工程研究生教育质量,并已取得了显著成效.Abstract: Graduate education plays an important role in constructing high level university. According to the great demand of traffic subject in the development of China, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology aims to improve the quality of the graduate education of traffic engineering comprehensively. The research trends in transportation science domain and the demand of talents in China are analyzed firstly. Combining the interdisciplinary characteristics and the actual situation of the school, the optimization measures are proposed from four aspects, including refactoring subject setting, paying more attention to academic communication and cooperation, strengthening laboratory construction, and expansion joint training. The effectiveness on the quality of the postgraduate education has been improved significantly.
Key words:
- postgraduate education /
- research trends /
- talent demand /
- optimization measure .
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