- 山地城市 /
- 多中心 /
- 形态测度 /
- 人口 /
- 重庆
摘要: 重庆城镇化率从2000年的35.6%提高到2010年的53.0%,并逐渐形成视觉意义上的多中心组团式结构,而目前对这一空间结构少有严格的定量分析.本文基于人口分布数据,运用线性模型、乘幂模型、Clark模型、Tanner‐Sherratt模型、Newling模型等模型验证山地城市的多中心结构.结果发现:重庆市2000年多中心性并不明显,但2010年多中心性开始凸显,形成以解放碑为中心,观音桥、沙坪坝、南坪、杨家坪为次中心的多中心结构;多中心结构中,解放碑仍具有很强的人口集聚作用;在次级中心中,观音桥受两江新区影响其人口集聚作用较强.总体上,满足人口空间分布假设,即人口密度受最邻近的中心或次级中心的影响.此外,模型结果显示,非参数模型的拟合度明显高于参数模型.
On Measuring Polycentricism of Population Distribution in Mountainous Cities:With Chongqing as a Case Study
- 山地城市 /
- 多中心 /
- 形态测度 /
- 人口 /
- 重庆
Abstract: Chongqing's urbanization rate has increased from 35 .6% in 2000 to 53% in 2010 .What's more , polycentric urban structure has been gradually formed in version ,but little attention has been paid to how to quantify polycentric pattern .In this paper ,polycentric structure has been examined from population distribution using different models ,such as the Linear Model ,Power Model ,Clark Model ,Tanner‐Sher‐ratt Model and Newling Model .The results show that Chongqing urban pattern was dominated by mono‐centric development in 2000 ,whereas it moved toward polycentric urban development quickly during 2000-2010 .Apart from a core center of Jiefangbei ,several sub‐centers were established ,such as Guanyin‐qiao ,Shapingba ,Nanping ,and Yangjiaping .In the polycentric structure ,Jiefangbei always plays a strong role on the population agglomeration .Besides ,one of the sub‐centers ,Guanyinqiao ,also accommodated large percentage of population due to emerging Liangjiang New Area .Among different models ,the as‐sumption that population density is affected by the nearest center is been confirmed .Overall ,the fitness of non‐parameter models is better than that of parameter models .