本文报道了一种(-)-N-二苯基亚甲基甘氨酸薄荷醇酯的简捷高效的制备方法,首先由甘氨酸和薄荷醇在对甲苯磺酸催化下发生酯化反应,用得到的甘氨酸薄荷醇酯磺酸盐,直接和二苯甲酮亚胺在室温下发生缩合反应,能以较高的产率得到目标产物,其合成路线见图 1.
Study on the Facile Synthesis of (-)-N-(diphenylmethylene) Glycine Menthyl Ester
摘要: 报道了(-)-N-二苯基亚甲基甘氨酸薄荷醇酯的简捷高效的制备方法,由甘氨酸和薄荷醇直接酯化,再和二苯甲酮亚胺缩合,以较高的产率得到目标产物.此过程不需要保护氨基,缩合反应无需使用催化剂,反应条件温和,绿色环保,经济节能.Abstract: A facile and efficient synthetic method of (-)-N-(diphenylmethylene) glycine menthyl ester was developed with high yield via esterification of glycine and menthol followed by condensation with benzophenone imine. Glycine can be esterified without amino protection, and condensation between ester and imine can be proceeded without catalyst. Also, these reactions are easily conducted in mild condition, eco-friendly and economical way.
Key words:
- glycine /
- chiral auxiliary /
- menthol ester /
- asymmetric sgnthesis .
表 1 甘氨酸、薄荷醇和二苯甲酮亚胺用量考察
实验 甘氨酸用量/mmol 薄荷醇用量/mmol 二苯甲酮亚胺用量/mmol 产率/% 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 73.6 2 1.0 1.2 1.0 91.7 3 1.0 1.2 0.8 85.3 4 1.0 1.2 1.2 92.2 表 2 甘氨酸薄荷醇酯对甲苯磺酸盐和二苯甲酮亚胺反应温度考察
实验 温度/℃ 反应时间/min 产率/% 1 25 30 91.7 2 0 60 92.4 3 50 30 83.5 表 3 甘氨酸薄荷醇酯对甲苯磺酸盐和二苯甲酮亚胺反应溶剂考察
实验 溶剂 产率/% 1 二氯甲烷 91.7 2 甲苯 84.2 3 四氢呋喃 86.3 4 二氯甲烷(无水) 92.1 -
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