宁夏酿酒葡萄主栽区为贺兰山东麓的狭长地带,其独特地理气候优势为酿酒葡萄生长提供了一个理想的环境,但葡萄病毒病尤其是葡萄卷叶病危害严重,降低了酿酒葡萄的产量和品质,也影响了宁夏酿酒葡萄产业的发展.与葡萄卷叶病相关的病原为葡萄卷叶伴随病毒(Grapevine leafroll-associated virus,GLRaVs),目前已报道的GLRaVs至少有5种,分别是GLRaV-1,GLRaV-2,GLRaV-3,GLRaV-4 (包括GLRaV-4的变种GLRaV-5,GLRaV-6,GLRaV-9,GLRaV-De,GLRaV-Pr和GLRaV-Car)和GLRaV-7[1-3].在国内各葡萄产区,感染葡萄卷叶病的葡萄园中GLRaV-1和GLRaV-3发生最为普遍,报道也最多[4-7].
2016年,吕苗苗等[7]对宁夏各种植区的8个主栽酿酒葡萄品种田间自然发病情况进行了调查,发现树龄8年以上的葡萄园GLRaVs的感染率均在50%以上,个别品种如“蛇龙珠”和“黑比诺”的发病率高达85.1%和52.7%. 2009年,顾沛雯[8]通过对CP基因的克隆和序列比对,研究GLRaV-3株系间的差异. 2018年,吕苗苗等[9]通过CP,RdRp和HSP70基因检测宁夏酿酒葡萄GLRaVs种类,检出率最高的为GLRaV-1和GLRaV-3.目前,宁夏地区已报道的GLRaVs检出种类主要为GLRaV-1,GLRaV-3和GLRaV-5[7-10].
单链构象多态性(single-strand conformation polymorphism,SSCP)技术是一种有效检测已知基因点突变或未知变异分析的方法[11-12]. Turturo[13]利用SSCP技术对14个国家的GLRaV-3的变异进行了综合分析,发现不同分离物间存在分子差异.目前,国内对GLRaVs的研究主要集中在检测技术的优化[8, 14-16]和无毒苗木的培育[17-19]等方面,而对GLRaVs的遗传变异研究较少.
PCR-SSCP Analysis of Genetic Variation Among GLRaVs in Ningxia
摘要: 宁夏贺兰山东麓酿酒葡萄卷叶病病株率较高,严重影响了酿酒葡萄产业的健康发展,但有关其病原葡萄卷叶伴随病毒(Grapevine leafroll-associated virus,GLRaVs)的遗传变异情况则鲜有报道.利用RT-PCR技术对宁夏酿酒葡萄不同种植区的7个主栽品种的GLRaV-1和GLRaV-3进行分子检测,利用SSCP技术对扩增片段进行遗传变异分析.试验结果共获得8个GLRaV-1和13个GLRaV-3的阳性样本.8个GLRaV-1分离物基于CP基因分析差异明显,可分为3类;13个GLRaV-3分离物基于RdRp基因分析差异明显,可分为3类,而基于CP和HSP70基因分析可分为2类.说明宁夏酿酒葡萄不同种植区、不同品种的GLRaV-1和GLRaV-3种群分子特性存在差异且遗传变异明显.这有助于宁夏地区酿酒葡萄GLRaVs流行学调查和分子诊断分析,为该病害的防控提供理论依据.Abstract: The rate of diseased plants of grapevine leaf roll disease is relatively high in the eastern Helan mountain region of Ningxia, which seriously hinders the healthy development of the wine grape industry, but the genetic variation of grapevine leafroll-associated viruses (GLRaVs), i. e. the pathogen of this disease, is poorly understood. In an experiment reported in this paper, PT-PCR technique was used to detect GLRaV-1 and GLRaV-3 of 7 widely cultivated wine grape cultivars in different growing regions of Ningxia, and the SSCP technology was employed to analyze the genetic variation of the amplified fragments. A total of 8 positive samples of GLRaV-1 and 13 positive samples of GLRaV-3 were obtained in the test. Based on the CP gene analysis, the 8 GLRaV-1 isolates showed significant differences, which were divided into 3 categories. The 13 GLRaV-3 isolates also showed significant differences, and they were divided into 3 categories based on RdRp gene analysis and into 2 categories based on CP and HSP70 gene analyses. The above results showed that there were significant differences and genetic variations in the population molecular characteristics of GLRaV-1 and GLRaV-3 which originated from different wine grape cultivars and from different grape-growing areas in Ningxia.
表 1 供试酿酒葡萄病株样本基本情况
序号 品种 采样点 种植年限/年 样本名称 1 赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon) 立兰酒庄 4 LL-C 2 赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon) 志辉源石酒庄 5 ZH-C 3 赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon) 农垦东大滩 18 DDT-C 4 蛇龙珠(Cabernet Gernischt) 新牛酒庄 8 XN-S 5 蛇龙珠(Cabernet Gernischt) 新惠彬酒庄 20 XHB-S 6 蛇龙珠(Cabernet Gernischt) 农垦东大滩 18 DDT-S 7 黑比诺(Pinot Noir) 新惠彬酒庄 20 XHB-H 8 霞多丽(Chardonnay) 立兰酒庄 4 LL-X 9 品丽珠(Cabernet Franc) 广夏三基地 18 GX-P 10 品丽珠(Cabernet Franc) 新惠彬酒庄 20 XHB-P 11 西拉(Shiraz) 广夏三基地 18 GX-XL 12 梅鹿辄(Merlot) 农垦南大滩 7 NDT-M 13 梅鹿辄(Merlot) 广夏三基地 18 GX-M 14 赤霞珠(Cabernet Gernischt) 新惠彬酒庄 20 XHB-C 15 西拉(Shiraz) 新惠彬酒庄 20 XHB-XL 表 2 GLRaV-1和GLRaV-3的特异性引物序列
样本名称 GLRaVs检出及归类 GLRaV-1 CP GLRaV-3 CP GLRaV-3 HSP70 GLRaV-3 RdRp LL-C + Ⅱa + Ⅲa + Ⅳb ZH-C + Ⅱa + Ⅲa + Ⅳa DDT-C + Ⅰb + Ⅱb + Ⅲb + Ⅳb XHB-C + Ⅰb XN-S + Ⅱa + Ⅲa + Ⅳa XHB-S + Ⅰa + Ⅱb + Ⅲb + Ⅳc DDT-S + Ⅰb + Ⅱa + Ⅲa + Ⅳa GX-P + Ⅱa + Ⅲa + Ⅳa XHB-P + Ⅰa + Ⅱa + Ⅲa + Ⅳa NDT-M + Ⅱa + Ⅲb + Ⅳb GX-M + Ⅱa + Ⅲa + Ⅳa GX-XL + Ⅱa + Ⅲa + Ⅳa XHB-XL + Ⅰa XHB-H + Ⅰc + Ⅱb + Ⅲa + Ⅳc LL-X + Ⅰc + Ⅱa + Ⅲb + Ⅳa 注: “+”表示检出该GLRaVs病毒. -
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