摘要: 稻赤斑沫蝉已由次要害虫上升为主要害虫,在重庆地区一年发生一代。一年四季土壤中都有虫卵,5月~9月是若虫期,6月~11月为成虫期,6月下旬~8月为成虫盛发期,6月~8月为产卵期。卵和若虫以稻田为中心呈扇形分布,距田边30m~50m范围的旱地作物根系层最多。若虫5龄,形态特征区分明显,各龄总历期19天~41天,平均274.7天;1~2龄若虫60,~80,分布在土中15cm~20cm范围内,3~4龄若虫75,~85,在土中5cm~15cm内,高龄若虫90,~95,分布在近地5cm~7cm范围内。饲养发现,1~3龄若虫向上移动的频率很快,从薯根上每隔2天~5天迁移1次,达1cm~3cm;7天~9天可迁移到苕茎叶上去;4~5龄常固定在一处,如不受惊动很少转移。成虫羽化后7天~15天、平均11.9天于上午9~11时、下午14~18时交配频繁,持续交配2h~4h;交尾后3天~8天、平均5.7天左右在有缝隙的土表产卵,散产,每处3~5粒,平均单雌产卵量200粒左右。成虫寿命11天~41天,平均19.2天,雌虫稍长。
Abstract: One generation of rice spittle bug (Callitettix versiclor Fabricius) ,which has recently become a dominant pest for rice crops,occurs in a year in Chongqing, China. Its eggs are present in the soil throughout the year. The nymph stage lasts from May to September and adult stage from June to November with its occurrence peak appearing in the period from late June to August. The laying period of the female lasts from June to August. Its eggs and nymphs are cistributed in a fan-shaped section with the rice field as the central point,predominantly in the plant root layer of the upland soil 30~50 m away from the rice field. The nymph undergoes 5 instars, each having distinct morphological characteristics and lasting 19~41 d.(averaging 27.7 d.).Predominantly,the 1st and 2nd ir stars (60%~80%) are found in the 15~20 cm soil layer,the 3rd and 4th instars (75%~85%) in the 5~15 cm layer and the 5th inatars (90%~95%) in the 5~7 cm below and above soil. In an indoor rearing experiment,1st,2nd and 3rd instars were found to move up once per 2~5 days over 1~3 cm. They got to the stem and leaves of the sweet potato plants in 7 ~9 d. The 4th and 5th instars rarely moved unless interfered. The adults began to copulate about 11.9d. after emergence,usually fiom 9 to 11 or fiom 14 to 18 o' clock,each copulation lasting for 2~4 hours. Each female laid,on the average,about 200 eggs in the cracked soil surface,3 ~ 5 eggs at a spot.The longevity ff the adults averaged 19.2d.,with the female living a bit longer than the male.