张辉蓉, 西南大学统筹城乡教育发展研究中心, 教授, 博士生导师
- 1. 西南大学 统筹城乡教育发展研究中心,重庆市 400715
- 2. 西南大学 教育学部,重庆市 400715
- 3. 西南大学 文化与社会发展学院,重庆市 400715
西南大学统筹城乡教育发展研究中心重大招标课题“重庆市统筹城乡义务教育资源均衡发展研究———基于运筹学的角度”(15SWUJDPYA02), 项目负责人:张辉蓉; 重庆市教育科学“十三五”规划重大招标课题“加快重庆义务教育均衡发展的实施策略研究”(2016-ZD-04), 项目负责人:张辉蓉
摘要: 义务教育均衡发展对教育公平、社会公平至关重要。截至2016年全国仍有37.6%的县尚未通过国家义务教育基本均衡发展督导评估认定, 要在2020年基本实现区域内义务教育均衡发展仍有相当难度。以西部地区典型城市———重庆市为个案, 探析了“攻坚段”和“深水区”时期制约我国义务教育均衡发展的实践困境, 提出有关对策建议:重点攻坚未达标县的薄弱环节; 落实县级“政府”主体责任制, 加强教育行政部门教育督导; 加大中央和省级政府财政投入, 完善教育经费保障制度; 实施“差别化绩效考核”等措施解决农村教师问题; 全面落实学校标准化建设; 科学规划城乡学校建设, 适应学生流动新常态。
Practical Dilemma and Countermeasures of the Balanced Development of Compulsory Education in China——A Case Study of Chongqing
- 1. 西南大学 统筹城乡教育发展研究中心,重庆市 400715
- 2. 西南大学 教育学部,重庆市 400715
- 3. 西南大学 文化与社会发展学院,重庆市 400715
- Received Date:
- 教育公平 /
- 义务教育 /
- 均衡发展 /
- 教育均衡 /
- 城乡教育统筹
Abstract: The balanced development of compulsory education is of great importance for educational equity and social equity. It is difficult to achieve regional balanced development of compulsory education by 2020 since 37.6% of the Chinese counties have not passed the assessment of education by the national supervision and evaluation system in 2016. Based on the case study of Chongqing, factors that affect the balanced development of compulsory education in China, the difficulties and problems are explored. The paper also gives some suggestions, such as priority given to the difficulty aspects of the counties with the least developed education; responsibility of governments and education administrators; enhanced supervision of the education administrators; more investment into educational from central and local governments; differential achievement rewards to build teacher resources; policies of standard school construction; scientific planning of urban and rural schools to adapt to the new flow of students.