Investigation of Maize Pest Occurrence in Zhalantun City
摘要: 本研究采用定点定期调查的方法,对扎兰屯市玉米主要有害生物的发生及其规律进行了系统的调查,明确了在扎兰屯市主要病害有玉米大斑病、小斑病、顶腐病.其中,大河湾农场顶腐病平均发病率达32.8%;中和镇和南木鄂伦春民族乡玉米大斑病平均病株率为14.2%,玉米小斑病平均病株率为51.0%,抗性强的玉米品种田间没有病株.主要虫害是玉米螟,平均被害率35.4%,试验中只有1个品种(富单12)没有虫害.主要田间杂草有10余种,包括稗草、狗尾草、牛筋草、反枝苋、龙葵、铁苋菜、马齿苋、藜、苍耳、鸭跖草、苣荬菜、问荆等.研究发现当地主栽玉米品种对病虫草害具有较好的抗性,并提出了玉米田病、虫、杂草综合防治的技术.Abstract: In this research, the occurrence and regularity of main pests in maize in Zhalantun City were systematically investigated by means of fixed-spot periodic survey. The northern leaf blight, southern leaf blight and top rot disease were identified as main diseases. The average incidence of top rot in Dahewan farm was 32.8%. In Zhonghe Town and Nanmu Oroqen Nationality Township, the average diseased plant rate of northern leaf blight was 14.2%, and the average diseased plant rate of southern leaf blight disease was 51.0%. The main pest was maize borer, with an average damage rate of 35.4%. Only one variety (Fudan 12) had no pest. The main weeds in the field were more than 10 species, including Echinochloa crusgalli, Setaria viridis, Eleusine indica, Amaranthus retroflexus, Solanum nigrum, Acalypha australis, Portulaca oleracea, Chenopodium album, Xanthium sibiricum, Commelina communis, Sonchus brachyotus, Equisetum arvense. It was found that the local maize varieties had better resistance to diseases, pests and weeds. The integrated control technology of diseases, pests and weeds in maize field was proposed.
Key words:
- maize /
- northern leaf blight /
- southern leaf blight /
- top rot disease /
- maize borer /
- prevention and control technology .
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