Linxiu HUANG, Donghan ZOU, Xiang CHEN, et al. Research on the Performance of Precision Poverty Reduction ThroughFiscal Alleviation Policies: Poor Farmers as a Perspective[J]. Journal of Southwest University Social Science Edition, 2019, 45(5): 59-66. doi: 10.13718/j.cnki.xdsk.2019.05.007
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Linxiu HUANG, Donghan ZOU, Xiang CHEN, et al. Research on the Performance of Precision Poverty Reduction ThroughFiscal Alleviation Policies: Poor Farmers as a Perspective[J]. Journal of Southwest University Social Science Edition, 2019, 45(5): 59-66. doi: 10.13718/j.cnki.xdsk.2019.05.007
Research on the Performance of Precision Poverty Reduction ThroughFiscal Alleviation Policies: Poor Farmers as a Perspective
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Through a review of related theories, it is found that the existing researches mainly focus on the comprehensive performance and department performance, and evaluation on theperformance of individual poor households is far from sufficient. Through the analysis of the phased characteristics of the fiscal poverty alleviation policy in China, it is believed that in the background of precision poverty alleviation, the policy tends to be means refinement and objects microcosmic, and there are requirements about the rationality of the policy application and the precision of the policy application. Therefore, by adopting the method of questionnaire investigation and statistical analysis to analyze the micro policy performance, it is concluded that there are some problems, including short-term policy effectiveness, long-term policy ineffectiveness, and the general poor people outside policy coverage. Furthermore, it puts forward the optimization path of taking the satisfaction of poor households as the performance judgment standard, perfecting the system guarantee as the basis of performance improvement and taking development as the orientation and giving consideration to fairness as the policy performance goal.
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