群体身份与群际互动不仅是个体自尊的重要来源,也是集体自尊(collective self-esteem)的重要来源.由于集体自尊指向个体对自己所属群体重要性的评价和感受[1],反应自我概念的群体自我特征,因而更容易与群体过程相互作用.高集体自尊会影响群际过程,如高集体自尊群体成员会表现出更多的内群偏爱行为[2],幸福感水平更高,抑郁和焦虑水平更低[3];群际互动情境以及相关因素也会影响集体自尊,预期自己将成为更典型的内群体成员会提高成员集体自尊和私人集体自尊[4];拓展训练可以提高大学生的集体自尊[5];一些相关研究[6]也表明归属感对集体自尊有显著的正向预测作用.
Effects of Intergroup Threats on Collective Self-Esteem-Group——Based Pride as the Mediator
- Received Date: 16/03/2018
- Available Online: 20/12/2018
Key words:
- realistic threat /
- symbolic threat /
- collective self-esteem /
- group-based emotion
Abstract: Collective self-esteem is the self-esteem derived from one's group membership and evaluation of that group. It is one of the motives to maintain a positive social identity. However, there are few studies to explore the effects of realistic threats and symbolic threats on collective self-esteem. We conducted two experiments to explore the effects of the two types of threats, respectively. We manipulated intergroup threat conditions and then measured collective self-esteem. The results of both experiments showed that intergroup threat had negative effects on collective self-esteem. The realistic threat significantly lowered the public collective self-esteem of the participants but had no significant effect on their private collective self-esteem.In contrast, the symbolic threat significantly decreased their private collective self-esteem but had no significant effect on their public collective self-esteem. The group-based pride was the mediator in those effects. This study indicated that intergroup threats decrease collective self-esteem completely through decreasing the intensity of one's group-based pride.