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2018 Volume 43 Issue 10
Article Contents

ZHANG Tao1,2, PEI Tian-tian2, WU Hong-chun2. On Effect of Aerobic Exercise Intervention on Mental Health of Postgraduates under DFM[J]. Journal of Southwest China Normal University(Natural Science Edition), 2018, 43(10): 112-118. doi: 10.13718/j.cnki.xsxb.2018.10.019
Citation: ZHANG Tao1,2, PEI Tian-tian2, WU Hong-chun2. On Effect of Aerobic Exercise Intervention on Mental Health of Postgraduates under DFM[J]. Journal of Southwest China Normal University(Natural Science Edition), 2018, 43(10): 112-118. doi: 10.13718/j.cnki.xsxb.2018.10.019

On Effect of Aerobic Exercise Intervention on Mental Health of Postgraduates under DFM

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  • Received Date: 30/07/2017
  • Studies have been done to explore the applicability of the two factor model of mental health to mental health assessment of postgraduates, and to compare the intervention effect of aerobic exercise on different master's degree groups. The mental health of 1125 postgraduates in ten universities in China was measured, and then the aerobic exercise intervention for 8 weeks was conducted among the postgraduates from some different health groups. The results show that the W-E happiness scale and Chinese health questionnaire as a model of mental health evaluation model index of mental health factors in double graduate than single factor is more scientific and reasonable; there are exercise on different psychological health research master student population the positive impact, is better than no regular sports crowd.
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On Effect of Aerobic Exercise Intervention on Mental Health of Postgraduates under DFM

Abstract: Studies have been done to explore the applicability of the two factor model of mental health to mental health assessment of postgraduates, and to compare the intervention effect of aerobic exercise on different master's degree groups. The mental health of 1125 postgraduates in ten universities in China was measured, and then the aerobic exercise intervention for 8 weeks was conducted among the postgraduates from some different health groups. The results show that the W-E happiness scale and Chinese health questionnaire as a model of mental health evaluation model index of mental health factors in double graduate than single factor is more scientific and reasonable; there are exercise on different psychological health research master student population the positive impact, is better than no regular sports crowd.

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